USFS Inventory and Budget


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Presentation transcript:

USFS Inventory and Budget Handouts and forms available at:

Trail Definition USFS A Trail is a linear feature constructed for the purpose of allowing the free movement of people, stock, or OHVs. USFS / NPS / BLM / FWS Interagency Trail Definition Definition automatically appears But before we get too far along, it’s important to clearly understand what “a Trail” is. The Forest Service defines a Trail as: A route 50 inches or less in width or a route over 50 inches wide that is identified and managed as a trail. [Refer participants to the 1st page in Appendix A, where this and the following definitions are listed.] Click for next slide. A linear route managed for human-powered, stock, or OHV forms of transportation or for historic or heritage values.

National Forests in Florida Trail Mileages (686.9 miles) FNST Hiking Horse Mtn Bike OHV MC Mixed-use Roads Ocala 77.1 24.6 134 22 138 13 107 Apalach 72.7 17.2 19.9 34 55 52 Osceola 21.4 5.0 53 377 Totals 171.2 46.8 187 41.9 172 68 536

USFS INFRA TRAILS Web Database that includes: Inventory Condition Cost data

Required Infra Trails Linear Events (18) Accessibility Status Trail Class Administrative Organization Trail Status Congressional District Trail Surface County Trail System Designed Use Typical Sideslope Historic Significance Typical Trail Grade Jurisdiction Typical Veg - Brush Managed Use Typical Veg - Timber Managing Organization Typical Soil Type

Trail Fundamentals Trail Type Trail Class Designed Use Managed Use Design Parameters Title & 7 bullets automatically appear. So, those are the Trail Fundamentals: Trail Type Trail Class Managed Use Designed Use Design Parameters CASM Productivity Factors Click for next slide.

Trail Management Objectives (TMO) Basics Title & image of TMO Form appears TMO’s are the foundation for solid, consistent trail planning, survey & design, construction, maintenance, periodic condition assessment & prescriptions, and on-going management. Not only are they a very logical and valuable management tool, they’re a convenient vehicle to use to walk you through the majority of the “Trail Fundamentals” concepts that we’ll be covering in the next hour or so. [Refer to the hardcopy example of the blank TMO form in Appendix B--wait for them to locate these documents in their binders.] Click for next slide.

Trail Type Standard Terra Trail Snow Trail Water Trail Title, form & sub-title automatically appear The first fundamental concept that is very important to understand is Trail Type. Click for next slide.

Trail Class 1 - Primitive/Undeveloped 2 - Simple/Minor Development 3 - Developed/Improved 4 - Highly Developed 5 - Fully Developed Title, form & sub-title automatically appear The next Fundamental is Trail Class. Click for next slide.

Trail Class Matrix Title & image of Trail Class Matrix appear [Show them the hardcopy example in Trail Class Matrix and wait for them to open their binders to the Trail Class Matrix in Appendix A.] Left click on hyperlink image of page 1 of the Trail Class Matrix document to open & review main points. (see “Using PowerPoint” for instructions. If Hyperlink fails, manually open Trail Class document to review on screen.) You should now be projecting the Word document of the Trail Class Matrix. Move through the first two pages, focusing primarily on the row headings and general intent of the Matrix, elaborating and providing examples as needed. Close the Word document and return to the PowerPoint (see “Using PowerPoint” for instructions if needed). Click anywhere on the PowerPoint slide (except the hyperlink image) for next slide.

Designed Use Title, form & sub-title automatically appear The next Trail Fundamental on the TMO is Designed Use. Click for next slide. The intended use that controls the desired geometric design and determines the subsequent maintenance parameters for the trail.

Managed Use There may be more than one Managed Use per trail or trail segment. Managed Use indicates a management decision or intent to accommodate and/or encourage a specified type of trail use. Title, form & sub-title automatically appear The next two sections of the TMO are where Travel Management information is recorded, specifically: Managed Use(s) --which we already discussed; and Prohibited Use(s)– or any uses for which there is a legal prohibition For both the actively Managed Uses and Prohibited Uses, the applicable seasons or timeframe is also recorded (i.e. An actively Managed Use of Snowmobile on a given trail may typically be from Nov. 15 – March 15.) Click for next slide.

Designed / Managed Uses Hiker / Pedestrian Pack & Saddle Bicycle Wheelchair Motorcycle All Terrain Vehicle Cross-Country Ski Snowshoe Dog Sled Snowmobile Watercraft - NonMotorized Watercraft - Motorized Title and 11 use types automatically appear The list of Designed Uses is identical to the list of Managed Uses. Click for next slide.

Design Parameters Tread Width Grade – Range Grade – Short Pitch Cross-Slope Clearing Width Clearing Height Switchback Radius Title, form & sub-title automatically appear Once the Designed Use is determined, the next step is to identify the Design Parameters. Click for next slide.

Design Parameters Title & images of several Design Parameter matrices appear Let’s Take a look at the Trail Design Parameters…. [Reference the Design Parameters in Appendix A for those who would like to follow along in their binders] Left click on hyperlink image of front DP matrix to open & review main points. (see “Using PowerPoint” for instructions. If Hyperlink fails, manually open DP document to review on screen.) You should now be projecting the Word document of the DP’s. Move through the document as you cover primarily the column and row headings, and intent of the document. (Don’t get too hung up on specific numeric variables or specs at this point.). Close the Word document and return to the PowerPoint (see “Using PowerPoint” for instructions if needed). Click anywhere on the PowerPoint slide (except the hyperlink image) for next slide.

TRACS Trail Assessment and Condition Surveys Inventory Assessment Field data on trail conditions and the work needed Inventory Assessment Prescription Title automatically appears Click to start list of 3 bullets (you’ll need to click for each bullet) So now that we have the TMO, which identifies standards and specs for the trail…. We need to apply the design & maintenance specifications to the trail Through the completion of trail condition surveys and prescriptions Click for next slide.

Trail CASM Condition Assessment Survey Matrix Title & image of CASM document appears. [Show them the hardcopy example of CASM and wait for them to open their binders to Appendix A.] Left click on hyperlink image of CASM document to open & review main points. (see “Using PowerPoint” for instructions. If Hyperlink fails, manually open CASM document to review on screen.) You should now be projecting the Word document of CASM. Move through the document, mainly covering the column and row headings and the intent of the document, elaborating is needed. CASM, which helps balance accuracy and efficiency, has been part of the required Trail Deferred Maintenance Protocols for the past 3 years. Close the Word document and return to the PowerPoint (see “Using PowerPoint” for instructions if needed). Click anywhere on the PowerPoint slide (except the hyperlink image) for next slide.

Cornerstones of… TMO  TRACS  CASM  Infra Efficient Trail Planning & Management Consistent, Quality Data Accurate, Accountable Inventory & Costing Title, photo & 3 bullets automatically appear. Trail Fundamentals, when correctly applied, really are cornerstones of: Efficient, effective trail planning & management; Consistent, quality data; and Solid inventory & costing Click for next slide.

ITDS Interagency Trail Data Standards

2009 FS Trails Budget National - $75 million Southern Region - $6.8 million NF in Florida - $524,000 FNST - $1.5 million

USFS Trail Program Priorities Implement Travel Management Rule Foster new and expand existing trail partnerships Trail data clean up: Trail Inventory, TMOs, TRACS

Work Plan Used to track budget and year-long allocations

Handouts and forms coming soon to: Title, sub-title, and image automatically appear. So where can you find information on Trail Fundamentals? The IBSC or Integrated Business Service Center web page, which is listed here and also in the References section of the Trail Data Dictionary. From the main page, you click on: Trails (in the left column); Then on Trail Fundamentals Click for next slide.