Prospective Principal Candidate: Columbia High School A Community of Excellence The mission of Columbia High School is to provide the students with instruction that promotes higher level thinking skills, accountable, responsible behavior, and self-disciplined social skills, so that they are capable of meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly complex society. Dr. Derrica Davis Prospective Principal Candidate: Columbia High School
Achieving Educational Excellence Goal II: Stakeholder Engagement & Goal IV: Internal and External Communication June 2016 Learning about the culture, setting the stage and building relationships with parents, students, staff and the community Meet with Area Superintendent Plan Introductory meeting with staff members Meet with previous Principal Meet with Assistant Principals and Curriculum Facilitators/Coaches Invite faculty and staff to One –on- One Meetings Meet with School Teams Meet with alumni Host forums parents and community leaders Conduct neighborhood visits to communicate goals, data, vision and plans to community
THE PROMISE….Impacting School Climate Academic Excellence Athletic Excellence Extracurricular Excellence Magnet Science and Technology Excellence Reduce Drop Out Rate College and Career Ready Monthly Career Day Family and Community Involvement Parent & Business Partners Resource Center Participatory Relationships Opportunity Mastery Instruction Support Excellence Shared Decision Making Fairness Consistency Respect Appreciation Student Achievement
Achieving Educational Excellence Goal I: Student Success with Equity and Access & Goal V: Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency June 2016 – August 2016 Analyze patterns in student achievement to develop appropriate actions for improvement Establish, communicate and infuse rigorous expectations for standards based learning Define expectations of instruction and operations as defined by Teacher/Leader KEYS Instrument with timely feedback Develop or assemble teams (CCRPI, Leadership, Data, Better Seeking) Review Critical documents (Handbooks, policy and procedures, safety plan) Adjust organizational structure based on data reviews
College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Trend Data
Post High School Readiness Trend Data 2014 no data for students completing the identified career awareness lesson aligned
CCRPI Alignment Performance Objectives College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Post High School Readiness CCRPI Alignment Percent of students achieving a Lexile measure greater than or equal to 1275 Percent of students scoring at Developing Learner or above on the Georgia Milestones Ninth Grade Literature , American Literature, Algebra I/Coordinate Algebra, Geometry/Analytic Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, History, Economics EOC Graduation Rate During the 2016 - 2017 school year students achieving lexile measures greater than 1275 will increase on the Performance Indicator to 20% Performance Objectives Lexile so low in comparison to 89 % pass rate ….therefore the students comprehension of complex text is unlikely which is why social studies and science are so low
Improvement Plan Action Steps Resources/Funding Expected Outcomes Professional Learning Literacy Support Strategies Literacy Journals Universal Design for Learning Building Literacy in Content Classes Expected Outcomes All teachers will integrate literacy within their curriculum that allow for literacy support strategies to be used in context Students will provide evidence of logical conclusion, justification of answers and processes and the use of facts to explain thinking in writing and explanation Students receiving ongoing support in the development of language and content skills Increased Lexile scores Resources/Funding Literacy Journals/ Notebooks Literacy Course (Language Live Curriculum and Course, READ 180, etc.) MyON Reading Program Timeline August 2016 Action Steps Provide a consistent curriculum and instructional model for literacy integration The complexity of comprehension is so low, therefor the reading and lexile scores vary so much
Content Mastery Trend Data Develop a process with grade level chairs to track student performance in content areas within each grade levels
College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Content Mastery CCRPI Alignment Percent of students scoring at Developing Learner or above on the Georgia Milestones Algebra I/Coordinate Algebra and Geometry/Analytic Geometry EOC Graduation Rate College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Content Mastery During the 2016-2017 school year, students scoring in the exceeds and meets levels on the EOG (Georgia Milestones)as indicated by the End –of – Course EOC assessment will improve their Math competency levels, specifically in Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry/GPS Geometry/Mathematics II to a performance percentage of 22% Performance Objectives
Improvement Plan Action Steps Resources/Funding Expected Outcomes Professional Learning Analyzing student work and assessment data Explicit Instruction process, components and impact Student Engagement Vocabulary Development Higher Order Thinking Skills, Feedback and Questioning Expected Outcomes Teachers will plan using the Explicit Lesson Plan model Student tracking their own progress Teachers will implement formative assessment strategies and activities that will help engage students Teachers will provide in-depth instruction that will allow students to gain ownership and buy in of their learning Resources/Funding Lesson Plan Template Collaborative Planning Protocol Substitutes/After school hours Instructional Coach Timeline August 2016 – October 2016 Action Steps Implement the Explicit Instruction Lesson Planning model with fidelity in a means to positively impact the instructional needs of students
Columbia High School Areas of Strength Areas for Growth 2015 4-year cohort graduation rate ~13% % of student scoring meets or exceeds in American Literature % of graduates completing a CTAE pathway, or an advanced academic pathway, or a fine arts pathway, or a world language pathway Student Attendance Gap Change size in 9th grade lit, American Lit, Biology and Physical Science % of students scoring meets or exceeds in Mathematics, Biology, and US History End of Course Test # of Students Meeting Typical to High Growth Lexile Scores for students With Cohort graduation rate close to the 79.3% that lower level C schools possess.
Achieving Educational Excellence Goal I: Student Success with Equity and Access, Goal II: Stakeholder Engagement & Goal V: Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency August 2016 Establish affective engagement activities for staff, students and parents Create professional learning calendar based on data Create schedules for best practices (focus walks, walkthrough, data talks) Implement the use of protocols to build consistency Empower and schedule meetings with teams Encourage Early Response to Interventions (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support)
What Will I Bring to Columbia High School Consistent Practices: Strong Interpersonal Relationships Instructional Focus Consistency Commitment Impartiality
Dr. Derrica Davis Transforming culture with integrity, determination, honesty and temperance!