Midlands Social Prescribing Network A collaborative network across the Midlands and East that supports the development of social prescribing and acts as forum to exchange good practice, learns from emerging practice, and co-ordinates an annual regional social prescribing event. Membership broad based – across CCG’s, social enterprise, GP’s, practitioners, local authorities, voluntary sector, other regional networks such as WMAHSN, Public Health England, Fire & Rescue, Housing Associations 200 now signed up
Steering Group of Vibrant Participants Chaired by Shropshire Council but with a wide membership Reinforces key messages from the national programme and the national network Supports culture change to influence clinical practice about the value and contribution of social prescribing Develops a common language for health and social care which describes social prescribing Acts as a regional advocacy and influencing group Supports the development of local practice Promotes evidence and evaluation to endorse the case for social prescribing
Midlands Social Prescribing Steering Group Jo Robins, Chair, Shropshire Council Margaret Hurley, VAST Dr Ruth Chambers, WMAHSN Elaine Russell, WMAHSN Peta Hill, Emma Lugrin, Lincolnshire County Council Rachel Jenkins, Nottingham City CCG Sharon Palmer, RAWM Emma Sandbach, Shropshire Council Jane Povey, Creative Inspiration Nick Hall, Sandwell Council Karen Saunders, PHE Dr Richard Kimberlee, UWE, National SP Network Kate Green, Building Bridges Bev Taylor NHS England
Focus to Date The two network events Liaison and cross fertilisation across the patch Regular updates from Chair of the regional group via Shropshire Together website Opportunities for promotion – the recent Sunday Politics Show Sharing of good practice
Next Steps We have plans – models in place to build on and share more extensively – training What would you find helpful?