International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13) 24-31 July 2016 University of Hamburg 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser.


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Presentation transcript:

International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13) 24-31 July 2016 University of Hamburg 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

Central issues of the programme 4 plenary lectures: Berinderjeet Kaur (Singapore), Deborah Loewenberg Ball (USA), Bill Barton (New Zealand), Günter Ziegler (Germany) 2 plenary panels on International comparative studies (chair: Jinfa Cai, USA), Transitions in mathematics eduation (chair: Ghislaine Gueudet, France) Core of the congress work: 54 Topic Study Groups covering 4 meetings à 90-minutes, continuation of themes from ICME-12 In addition call for discussion groups and workshops 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

Congress venue: CCH congress center and University of Hamburg 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

Central issues of the programme Additional possibility of oral communications and poster presentations: everybody will have the chance to present within a TSG or in sessions attached to the TSG. Special feature: Thematic afternoon on European Didactic Traditions, German Speaking Traditions, Legacy of Felix Klein ( Presentations by 5 survey teams, ICMI studies, ICMI affiliate groups like CIAEM Activities for young researchers and special teacher activities 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

Timeline Submission of papers: 1 October 2015 Decisions sent out: 10-20 December 2015 Submission of posters: 31 January 2016 Solidarity fund for researchers from less affluent countries: Applications 1 October 2015, decisions 12 January 2016, submission of posters: 1st October 2015 Website constantly updated: Strong publication strategy with pre- and post-congress publications with Springer 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

Conference fees and other costs 1 January - 31 March 2016: early bird registration – 390 Euro 1 April - 31 May 2016: regular registration – 430 Euro 1 June 2016 onwards: 450 Euro Includes: admission to scientific programme, whole-day excursion through Hamburg harbour and its environment, coffee breaks, beverages during Get-together, dancing ….. Many hotels in Hamburg with very decent prices. Hamburg easily reachable via plane, good public transport. 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

Hamburg – the Metropolis on the Water 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

Hamburg’s Surroundings 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser

See you in hamburg in 2016 14.11.2018 Gabriele Kaiser