One word to describe Philippine Society and Culture
Change the culture, Develop the country - Joseph Gonzales
1 Cultural Diffusionism Spread of cultural trends across locations
1 Cultural Diffusionism Used to describe the spread of cultural items from one culture to another
McDonalds in Saudi Arabia
Kyrgyz herders with their cellphones which they use for taking photos and listening to music. They charge their phones using solar-powered car batteries. Photograph by Matthieu Paley Taken from the National Geographic article on Afghanistan’s Kyrgyz nomads
Congo Ethiopan Jesus
Korea India
Assimilation the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society
Assimilation May be done through force or done voluntarily The “native” or original culture may be forgotten Conversion of Jews & Muslims to Roman Catholicism in Spain in the 14th & 15th centuries
Acculturation - A process wherein a minority adopts a new culture or way of living American colonialism and its influence on the Philippines