Anger John 2:12-17 1/21/2018
Anger Do people seem more angry today than in past years? Page after page of “anger management” on Google. Some have gotten angry over the smallest thing and the siltation becomes violent. Where has all this anger come from?
Anger Genesis 4:1-8 Why was Cain angry? How angry was Cain? Did Cain sin for being angry?
“In your anger do not sin.” Ephesians 4:26 What sin? Colossians 3:8 Anger-spiritual insanity, wrath Rage-anger in action, aggressive Malice-evil intent, evil habit of the mind Slander-to hurt someone with words or with pride
Jesus in the temple Was Jesus angry?
Jesus in the temple No, he was indignant. They had changed the character of the temple from a place of prayer to a place of corrupt commercialism.