Christopher Barner-Kowollik (Queensland University of Technology) The home for the most innovative and exciting polymer chemistry, with an emphasis on polymer synthesis and applications thereof Editor-in-Chief: Christopher Barner-Kowollik (Queensland University of Technology) Associate Editors: Editorial Board members: Hong Chen (Soochow University) Eva Marie Harth (University of Houston) Bin Liu (National University of Singapore) Seb Perrier (University of Warwick) Emily Pentzer (Case Western Reserve University) Wei You (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Holger Frey (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) Jeremiah A Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Masami Kamigaito (Nagoya University) Heather Maynard (University of California, Los Angeles) 48 issues per year Impact Factor: 5.375* 2017) @PolymChem *2016 Journal Citation Reports © Clarivate Analytics, 2017