Sneak Peak of Banner Plan Ahead and Registration Presented by Kay Watkins, Project Manager Pam Enser, College Registrar Anne-Marie St. Cyr, Ellucian Consultant
Things to Remember Please mute your microphone There will be a Q&A period at the end The chat will be monitored but questions will be held to the Q & A session
Agenda Overview Demonstration of Plan Ahead Demonstration of Student Registration Questions
Plan Ahead Functionality Registration planning allows a student, faculty member, or mentor/advisor to build a plan summary that includes courses and class sections. The student registration plan is used to assist with future registration for classes. Multiple registration plans can be built by a student, mentor/advisor for the term. Registration plans are typically built by students in advance of the opening of registration at the institution. Plans are created in Plan Ahead, and students can register from those plans in Register for Classes. No restriction checking occurs at this point in time.
Mentor/Advisor Plan Access Plan Ahead Access is controlled by Mentor/Advisor Process Rules When the mentor/advisor searches with a student ID or student name, they can approve or unapprove any student-created plans or plans they have created for the student. However, mentors/advisors cannot mark any plan created by a student as preferred. Mentors/advisors cannot edit or delete plans created by a student, and they cannot edit or delete any plans they did not create. A student may not edit or delete any plan a mentor/advisor has created.
Approved Plans Mentor/Advisors can Approve or unapprove plans they have created for a student Approve or unapprove plans a student has created Multiple mentor/advisors can approve or unapprove Students are not required to register from an approved plan Use of the approved plan is optional
Demonstration Plan Ahead Mentor/Advisor perspective Student Registration
Mentor/Advisor View
Mentor/Advisor View
Create a new Plan or select a Plan
Searching for Classes
Student View When a student goes to register for classes, they have a couple of choices. They can search for sections or choose a plan and register based on the plan.
Choose sections or just a certain course
Add to the Registration Summary
For more information (i.e., timelines etc.)