5 Chapter Chapter 2 Ratio and Proportion
Section 5.1 Ratios
Writing Ratios as Fractions A ratio is a quotient of two quantities. 1 to 2 or or 1 : 2 Writing a Ratio as a Fraction The order of the quantities is important when writing ratios. To write a ratio as a fraction, write the first number of the ratio as the numerator of the fraction and the second number as the denominator. Objective A
Example Write the ratio 15 to 23 using fractional notation. Objective A Continued
Example Write the ratio of 10.3 to 15.1 using fractional notation. Objective A Continued
Example Write the ratio of $25 to $15 as a fraction in simplest form. Objective A Continued
Example Write the ratio of 2.6 to 3.1 as a fraction in simplest form. Objective A Continued
Example Write the ratio of 2 2/3 to 1 13/15 as a fraction in simplest form. Objective A Continued
Example Given the rectangle shown: a. Find the ratio of its width to its length. b. Find the ratio of its length to its perimeter. a. b. Perimeter = 7 + 5 + 7 + 5 = 24 feet 7 feet 5 feet Objective A Continued