ACADEMIC ALERTS Sent to the student’s UST e-mail address, the instructor, the student’s advisor and Academic Counseling. All messages to the student will instruct the student to speak to the instructor about the situation at hand. The instructor is the first and most important point of contact for the student.
ALERT PROCESS Alerts are sorted to counselors Counselors triage alerts & make note in degree evaluation Counselors reach out to students Closure notifications sent to alert creator, but not faculty advisor
ACADEMIC ALERTS Highest priority goes to missing students Lowest priority for low test grades Outreach to advisors and other professors depends on the situation All alert notes kept in Salesforce
REFERRALS Professor Department tutors or support Academic Counseling Counseling & Psychological Services (highlight Learn to Live) Disability Resources Degree Evaluation Notes are helpful!
WITHDRAWAL First two weeks, no charge, no notation on record. Check your rosters! After that refunds decrease 20% per week. No refund after 6th week. Final drop deadline Nov. 20 Dropping below 12 cr requires conversation with Financial Aid & Residence Life, but likely possible (unless student is International) W in 1st semester red flag for retention
WITHDRAWAL Medical withdrawals refer to Academic Counseling – student must withdraw from all classes Refunds not approved by Academic Counseling, Tuition Insurance available
INCOMPLETES Student has good reason for delay Student makes arrangements before final grades are submitted Student and professor define terms of Incomplete and submit form to Registrar
PROBATION Academic standing based on UST GPA only Cumulative GPA < 2.0 = Probation Receive letter from Wendy Wyatt Assigned to work with Counselor Must achieve semester GPA > 1.75 to avoid suspension
ACADEMIC STANDING Questions? Call Academic Counseling! Rules Summary leads if Cum and Term and total This to new GPA is… earned hrs are… code… Min Max Notes 00 GS 2.00 4.00 New students start out with 00 by default; after the first 0.00 1.99 11.99 standing calculation, they would move to GS or P1 and P1 12.00 999.00 never return to 00. P1 status can only be assigned after accumulating at least 12 earned hours. First probation P2 1.75 SU 1.74 Second probation SU code will only change to another code by manual SC Manually only intervention. SC and SD pre-empt suspension and SD are assigned before suspension takes place; P3 P3 is manually assigned after return from suspension. Will only change to another code by manual intervention. any code Parallel to P2 rules except end result is dismissal instead of suspension P4 DM Parallel to P3 rules except end result is dismissal DM code will only change to another code by manual DC intervention. DC and DD pre-empt dismissal and DD are assigned before suspension takes place; RC or RD RC are manually assigned after return from dismissal. RD AP Questions? Call Academic Counseling!