Good morning. 8/10/17 Head over to goformative Good morning! 8/10/17 Head over to to begin today’s Bellringer. Remember to write the date and objective in your notebook and use the notebook to work out the problem.
Objective: 8.NS.A.1 I can convert a repeating decimal into a fraction in simplest form. AGENDA ~Card Match ~Video 0.9999=1? ~Exit Ticket Analysis ~Practice (for grade) ~Work on Mathography
Group Act. Matching You are now going to work together matching fraction and decimal cards. Take turns to find three cards that match. Each time you do this explain your thinking clearly and carefully. Take out the equns.
Group Act. Matching Take out the equns.
Group Act. Matching Take out the equns.
Does 0.99.. = 1?
Write each as a fraction: 0. 3 2. 4. 90 ANALYSIS Exit Ticket Write each as a fraction: 0. 3 2. 4. 90 Name on back of card
This will be submitted for a grade. No calculators. Practice This will be submitted for a grade. No calculators. When complete, turn in and work on Mathography. Name on back of card
Heads up- quiz tomorrow! Changing fractions to decimals. Remember you have a textbook for reference. Also, Google and Siri are great resources.