Moon Phases
What forces keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth, and the Earth in orbit around the sun? Gravity and Inertia
It takes 29.5 days to complete. Phases of the Moon As the moon revolves around Earth, it appears to change shape - phases of the moon. It takes 29.5 days to complete.
reflects sunlight towards Earth. Why does this happen? reflects sunlight towards Earth. Phase depends on where the moon is in relation to the sun and the Earth.
Waxing – Light is on the right Waning – Light is on the left.
The moon is between the sun and the Earth. The moon is not seen. New Moon The moon is between the sun and the Earth. The moon is not seen.
Waxing Crescent The first curved piece that appears is a waxing crescent.
The right half of the moon can be seen. First Quarter The right half of the moon can be seen.
Waxing Gibbous More of the area on the right side becomes more visible.
When the entire lighted side is visible. Full Moon When the entire lighted side is visible.
These first phases takes about two weeks (14.75).
After this, the moon gradually appears to be getting smaller.
The majority of the left side can be seen. Waning Gibbous The majority of the left side can be seen.
Last Quarter The left half of the moon can be seen.
Waning Crescent Curved piece on left can be seen.