The Moon Year 7 Science
The Moon Half of the Moon faces the Sun and is always bathed in sunlight (except during lunar eclipses). On Earth, however, we do not always see its full face.
Phases of the Moon What we see depends on where the Moon is in its orbit and how much of the face is receiving light. The different shapes that we see are known as phases of the Moon.
Does the moon rotate? The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. The side of the moon that faces Earth is known as the near side. The opposite or "back" side is the far side. Sometimes the far side is called the dark side of the moon, but this is inaccurate. When the moon is between the Earth and the sun, during the new moon phase, the back side of the moon is bathed in daylight.
The Moon’s orbit around Earth
Eclipses Sometimes the orbits of the Moon around Earth and Earth around the Sun cause all three bodies to align so that the Moon blocks sunlight from reaching Earth, or the Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon. When this happens, as eclipse occurs. Full shadow is also known as umbra Partial shadow is also known as penumbra
Solar Eclipse A solar eclipse occurs whenever light from the Sun is blocked by the Moon, casting a shadow onto Earth Solar eclipses can be complete (in the umbra, where the shadow is full and dark) or partial (in the penumbra, where the shadow is less dense).
Luna Eclipse During a lunar eclipse, the Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon As the Moon passes along its orbit, it first passes through the penumbra, causing a partial lunar eclipse. It then moves through the umbra, forming a total lunar eclipse, before moving back into the penumbra and then back into the sunlight