Prepositions of Place in Turkish
Prepositions of Place in Turkish In Turkish, prepositions follow the same four-way vowel harmony rule. Before each preposition we use possessive suffixes '(n)in, ün' with front vowels (e, i, ö, ü) and '(n)ın, un' with back vowels (a, ı, o, u). For example, 'O, masanın altında.' (He's under the table.) As the vowel in the last syllable of the word 'masa' ends with a back vowel we used (n)ın. (n) is used as a buffer letter to keep vowels apart. If a word ends with a consonant, we don't use a buffer letter. If a word ends with 'a-ı' vowels, we'll use (n)ın. E.g. Bilgisayarın üzerinde. (On the computer) If a word ends with 'e-i' vowels, we'll use (n)in. E.g. Pencerenin önünde.(In front of the window) If a word ends with 'o-u' vowels, we'll use (n)un. E.g. Okulun arkasında. (Behind the school) If a word ends with 'ö-ü' vowels, we'll use (n)ün. E.g. Otobüsün karşısında. (Opposite the bus)