Location and Relative Location Good Afternoon! Today is September 7, 2011 This is ESL Intermediate Social Studies Our goals for today and this week are: To know the difference between Exact Location and Relative Location To know what longitude and latitude are
Location There are two types of Location. Relative Location and Exact Location
Exact Location Examples of exact location are our addresses. My address is 7815 California Ave SW Seattle, WA 98136 Write down your address on a separate piece of paper. If you don’t know your address your homework will be to memorize it.
Relative Location Relative location is the location of something in relation to another place. -My home is next to a McDonalds. -What’s next to your home?
Latitude: Imaginary lines running East and West or sideways on a globe
Longitude: Imaginary lines running North and South or up and down on the earth
HW: Find ten cities and give their longitude an latitude and know your address