Serial Communication Interface Abel Valdes Tsun-Yen Wu Faisal Tanvir
Presentation Outline Types of data transmission: Parallel Communication Serial Communication Applications Serial Communication Transition Formats HC11 SCI Registers Wakeup, Send Break Examples Serial communication involves transmitting digital data one bit at a time. Starting with the binary telegraph code in the 19th Century, to the development of RS-232 (EIA-232) for communicating between terminals and mainframe computers in the 1960's, serial communication has been the driving force behind many advances in communication technology over the past 40 years. Although many peripheral devices now connect to PCs via a USB port, most PCs still come with one or two male DB9 ports and one female DB25 port that support RS-232.
Data Transmission Importance Most electronic devices must communicate with other devices to either control them or send data to them Standardization The two communicating devices must “speak the same language” Key Features Compatibility Data Integrity Speed Abel Valdes
Parallel Communication Simultaneous 8-bit transmission Bits must stay synchronized Restricted distance to avoid synchronization problems Theoretically faster (limited by skew) Hardware easier to implement Transmitter Receiver 2nd word 1st word Before the development of high-speed serial technologies, the choice of parallel links over serial links was driven by these factors: Speed: Superficially, the speed of a parallel data link is equal to the number of bits sent at one time times the bit rate of each individual path; doubling the number of bits sent at once doubles the data rate (see Parallel transmission). In practice, skew reduces the speed of every link to the slowest of all of the links. Cable length: Crosstalk creates interference between the parallel lines, and the effect worsens with the length of the communication link. This places an upper limit on the length of a parallel data connection that is usually shorter than a serial connection. Complexity: Parallel data links are easily implemented in hardware, making them a logical choice. Creating a parallel port in a computer system is relatively simple, requiring only a latch to copy data onto a data bus. In contrast, most serial communication must first be converted back into parallel form by a Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter before they may be directly connected to a data bus. The decreasing cost of integrated circuits, combined with greater consumer demand for speed and cable length, has led to parallel communication links becoming deprecated in favor of serial links; for example, IEEE 1284 printer ports vs. USB, Advanced Technology Attachment vs. Serial ATA, SCSI vs. FireWire. Abel Valdes
Serial Communication Transfers one bit at a time Requires only one data line Slow compared to parallel transmission Less expensive Transmitter Receiver 2nd word 1st word Serial communication involves transmitting digital data one bit at a time. Starting with the binary telegraph code in the 19th Century, to the development of RS-232 (EIA-232) for communicating between terminals and mainframe computers in the 1960's, serial communication has been the driving force behind many advances in communication technology over the past 40 years. Abel Valdes
Serial vs. Parallel Clock differences between channels No crosstalk between transmission lines Serial communication requires less transfer lines Abel Valdes
Applications ATA interface for storage devises (IDE), cable lengths of up to 18” 133 Mbits/sec with 16 bit lines. Serial ATA 1.5Gbits/sec FireWire 8000 Mbits/sec USB 480 Mbits/sec Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) is a standard interface for connecting storage devices such as hard disks, solid state disks and CD-ROM drives inside personal computers. Abel Valdes
Synchronization Synchronous Asynchronous Data rates determined by clock rates Continuous transmission to maintain clock synchronization. Faster Asynchronous Transmission can occur at any time Receiver is always listening No idle characters Data words not locked into system timing Requires start and stop bits Abel Valdes
Start and Stop Bits Start bit Stop bit First bit to be transmitted for each word of data A transition from idle state to the opposite state, last one bit time Stop bit Last bit(s) indicates the end of a word Value of idle state 0110 0001 = 6116 Abel Valdes
Parity Bit Used to check that all of the set bits were received Odd parity: bit is set to 1 or 0 to make the sum of all bits odd. Even parity: makes the sum of all bits even. Not implemented in HC11 Transmitted Sum = 4 Start 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Parity Stop If more than one bit failed the problem will not be detected. The type of parity is known a priori (determined by programmer) Parity bit calculated and set by software before transmission e.g. the HC11 knows nothing about parity Not used very often…better ways to check for errors… Received Sum = 3 Start 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Parity Stop Parity bit sent (1) = Parity of signal received (0) Abel Valdes
Transfer Rates Baud Rate: number of individual states that are transmitted per second. Data Rate (bps) Max Distance (ft) 19200 45 9600 76 4800 152 2400 304 1200 608 600 1216 8 bits of information Start bit + Stop bit_______________ 10 bit word reciprocal of the shortest pulse Baud rate: net number of bits per second that can be transmitted, including overhead (start/stop/parity bits). Bit rate: number of data bits per second that can be transmitted. Abel Valdes
Transmission Rates Example Consider baud rate: 4800 baud 12 bits/word = 1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 parity bit + 2 stop bits Bit time = 1/(baud rate) = 1/4800baud = 0.208ms/bit Word time = (12 bits)*(bit time) = 2.5ms Word rate = 1/(word time) = 400 words/s Bit rate = (word rate)*(8 data bits) = 3200 bits/s
Signal Standard Serial devices convert TTL/CMOS-level signals to higher voltage bipolar signals state 1: -3V to -25V state 0: 3V to 25V In telecommunications, RS-232 (Recommended Standard 232) is a standard for serial binary data signals connecting between a DTE (Data terminal equipment) and a DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment). It is commonly used in computer serial ports. The RS-232 standard supports two types of communication protocols: synchronous and asynchronous. The standard does not define such elements as character encoding (for example, ASCII, Baudot or EBCDIC) the framing of characters in the data stream (bits per character, start/stop bits, parity) protocols for error detection or algorithms for data compression bit rates for transmission, although the standard says it is intended for bit rates lower than 20,000 bits per second. Many modern devices support speeds of 115,200 bps and above power supply to external devices. Bit time = 1/(baud rate) = 1/4800baud = 0.208ms/bit Word time = (12 bits)*(bit time) = 2.5ms Word rate = 1/(word time) = 400 words/s Bit rate = (word rate)*(8 data bits) = 3200 bits/s Bit Period Transition Time <125 µs 5 µs 25 ms – 125 µs 4 % of bit period >25 ms < 1ms Abel Valdes
Asynchronous Serial Transmission One Data Packet Four parts per packet Parity Bit Data Bit 1 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 6 HIGH Stop Bit LOW Start Bit Data Bit 0 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 7
Start bit—Ideal Case (0) sampling clock (RT clock) : 16 times the baud-rate frequency (1) idle-line time (2) logic-zero sample is preceded by three logic-one samples : start-bit qualifiers (3) start-verification samples (4) data samples Tsun-Yen Wu
Noise (i) Noise Data receiving aborted!!! Tsun-Yen Wu
Noise (ii) Tsun-Yen Wu
HC11 SCI Registers 5 Main Registers: BAUD: Sets bit rate for SCI SCCR1: Sets control bits for the 9-bit character format and the receiver wake up feature SCCR2: Main control register SCSR: Status Register SCDR: Main Data Register Tsun-Yen Wu
HC11 SCI Registers BAUD Register Used to set bit rate of SCI system Address: $102B Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Read: Write: TCLR RCKB Reset: U U = Unaffected SCR1 SCR0 SCP0 SCP1 SCR2 Used to set bit rate of SCI system TCLR: Clear baud rate timing chain bit SCP1: SCP0 – Baud rate pre-scale select bits RCKB: SCI baud rate clock test bit SCR2: SCR0 – SCI baud rate select bits Tsun-Yen Wu
BAUD Register Tsun-Yen Wu
BAUD Register Tsun-Yen Wu
HC11 SCI Registers SCCR1 Register Contains control bits related to the 9-bit data character format and receiver wake up feature R8: Receive data bit 8 T8: Transmit data bit 8 M: SCI character length bit WAKE: Wakeup method select bit Bits 0, 1, 2 & 5: Not used (always 0) Tsun-Yen Wu
HC11 SCI Registers SCCR2 Register Main control register for SCI sub-system TIE: Transmit interrupt enable bit TCIE: Transmit complete interrupt enable bit RIE: Receive interrupt enable bit ILIE: Idle-line interrupt enable bit TE: Transmit enable bit RE: Receive enable bit RWU: Receiver wakeup bit SBK: Send break bit Tsun-Yen Wu
HC11 SCI Registers SCSR Register SCI status register TDRE: Transmit data register empty bit TC: Transmit complete bit RDRF: Receive data register full bit IDLE: Idle-line detect bit OR: Overrun error bit NF: Noise flag FE: Framing Error bit Bit 0: is not used (always 0) Tsun-Yen Wu
HC11 SCI Registers SCDR Register SCI data register Two separate registers When SCDR is read, the read-only RDR is accessed When SCDR is written, the write-only TDR is accessed R7 - R0: Read bits T7 - T0: Write bits Tsun-Yen Wu
Wake Up M68HC11 supports a receiver wake up function, which is intended for systems having more than one receiver The transmitting device directs messages to an individual receiver or group of receivers by passing addressing information in the initial byte Receivers not addressed activate the receiver wakeup function -This makes these receivers dormant for the remainder of the unwanted message Software in the receiver evaluates if the data is intended to a receiver. Faisal Tanvir
Wake Up Cont. Two methods of Wakeup Idle Line: wake up as soon as RxD line becomes idle. All devices are awake (RWU=0) until they realize that the message is not intended for RWU=1. Then wake up when a idle line of 10 RxD is detected. Note: 1 bit time between idle and message and no space in message. Address-Mark: the most significant bit use to indicate if is data(0) or address(1) all dormant receivers wake up if one is detected. Check if message is for them. Note: no idle between messages and space in message ok. Faisal Tanvir
Send Breaks Break characters are character length periods when the TxD line goes to 0. Either 10 or 11 0’s. As long as the SBK bit is set, break characters will be sent. Character length is influenced by the M bit in the SCCR1 M = 0 – All characters are 10 bit times long M = 1 – all characters are 11 bit times long Break characters have no start and stop bits Faisal Tanvir
SCI Transmitting and Receiving with the HC11 Faisal Tanvir
Transmitting and Receiving with HC11 Receiver uses pin 0 of port D – When SCI receiver is enabled DDRD0 is set to zero to disable output buffer. Transmitter uses pin 1 of port D – When SCI transmitter is enabled DDRD1 is set to one to disable input buffer. The original state of DDRD is restored once transmitting/receiving has ended. Faisal Tanvir
Transmitter Block Diagram Faisal Tanvir
Transmitting Steps 1. Set Baud rate to equal receiver 2. Set TE (SCCR2) high to enable 3. Set Wake Up mode (SCCR1) 4. TE sends idle character to wake receiver 5. Receiver determines if message is intended for it 6. Load character into SCI Data Register (SCDR) 7. Character placed in shift register and shifted out 8. When TDRE (SCSR) sets back to 1, load another character (both polling and interrupts can be used). 9. Transmission complete (TC in SCSR) 10. Idle line rests at logic 1, RWU goes to 0 Faisal Tanvir
Receiver Block Diagram Faisal Tanvir
Receiving Steps 1. Set Baud rate in Baud register ($102B) 2. Set bit 4 in SCCR1 ($102C) to select 8 or 9 bit characters; set bit 3 to select wake up mode 3. Set bit 2 in SCCR2 ($102D) to enable receiver; set bit 4 to enable interrupt on idle; set bit 5 to enable interrupt when character received or overrun occurs. 4. Read status of receive from SCSR ($102E) Bit 5 will be set when data is received; framing error sets bit 1; noise sets bit 2; overrun sets bit 3; idle sets bit 4 5. Read data received from SCDR ($102F) 6. If 9 bit data format is used, the ninth bit of data will be located in bit 7 of SCCR1 ($102C) Faisal Tanvir
Examples of SCI Transmit - Configuration Let’s say we want to transmit hex number 2C at a Baud rate of 1200 First set up variables and set Baud rate MAIN EQU $1040 SCCR2 EQU $102D BAUD EQU $102B SCSR EQU $102E SCDR EQU $102D Assemble code starting here Address of SCI control register 2 Address of Baud rate control register Address of SCI status register Address of SCI data register Faisal Tanvir
Examples of SCI Transmit ORG MAIN This sets bits like in last slide LDAA #$33 STAA BAUD LDAA #$08 STAA SCCR2 LDAA #$2C STAA SCDR CHECK LDAA SCSR ANDA #$C0 CMPA #$C0 BNE CHECK SWI This sets bits like in last slide Write to the Baud register Set the Transmit Enable bit high Write to SCCR2 Put you data to transmit here Store it in the SCI data register Load the status register to Acc A Check to see if Transmit Complete flag is set If it is not, loop and keep checking If it is, we’re done Faisal Tanvir
Examples of SCI Once again, Baud rate of 1200 Receive- Configuration Once again, Baud rate of 1200 Set up things in a similar way: MAIN EQU $1041 SCCR2 EQU $102D BAUD EQU $102B SCSR EQU $102E SCDR EQU $102F STORE EQU $1040 Assemble code starting here Address of SCI control register 2 Address of Baud rate control register Address of SCI status register Address of SCI data register Address of place to store incoming data Faisal Tanvir
Examples of SCI Receive ORG MAIN LDAA #$33 STAA BAUD LDAA #$04 STAA SCCR2 CHECK LDAA SCSR ANDA #$20 CMPA #$20 BNE CHECK LDAA SCDR STAA STORE SWI This sets bits like in previous slide Write to the Baud register Set the Receive Enable bit high Write to SCCR2 Load the status register into Acc A Check to see if RDRF flag is set (Receive Data Register Full) If not, keep checking until it is When data has been received, store it Faisal Tanvir
References General Information RS-232 Standard RS-232 Standard M68HC11 Reference Manual Previous Student Lectures
Questions ? Faisal Tanvir Abel Valdes Tsun-Yen Wu
Asynchronous Serial Transmission Parity Bit Used to check for errors Helps verify signal integrity 2 Types: -Even: makes sum of all high bits INCLUDING parity bit EVEN -Odd: makes sum of all high bits INCLUDING parity bit ODD Not applicable to HC11 Parity Bit (H or L) Data Bit 7
An example of even parity start stop 0x52 ? Start Bit Data Bit 0 Data Bit 1 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 6 Data Bit 7 Parity Bit Stop Bit Stop Bit 1 1 1 1 1 1
Asynchronous Serial Transmission Stop Bit Stop bit indicates all data has been transmitted 1 or 2 Stop bits Stop Bit 1 Stop Bit 2 Parity or Bit 7
Asynchronous Serial Transmission Transmitter and receiver operate independently - Same baud rate - Same data format Requires a start and stop bit to identify each byte of data
Asynchronous Transmission Format Bit Types Start Bit Data Bits Parity Bit Stop Bit Bit types are used to differentiate between words For HC11, 10 or 11 bits
Asynchronous Serial Transmission Start Bit If line is idle, it continuously sends high (1) logic bit Each word preceded by start bit Signals receiver that data is about to be transmitted Low (0) logic bit Previously HIGH Start Bit Now LOW
Asynchronous Serial Transmission Data Bits The content of the package Usually 8 bits LSB sent First Ex: This transmitted word is 10111001, or $B9 LSB MSB Data Bit 0 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 7 Data Bit 1 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 6 FLOW