Digestive System Questions
1. Both aid in the breakdown and absorption of food. Mechanical: food is physically broken down Chemical: food is broken down further into nutrients that can be absorbed by cells
2. Ingesting food -> breaking down food -> absorbing nutrients -> eliminating indigestable material.
3. Mechanically by chewing and chemically by salivary amylase
4. The glottis is the opening to the trachea (larynx) for air The epiglottis covers the glottis when a person swallows to prevent food from entering the lungs
5. GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease May lead to the development of an ulcer, difficulty swallowing and esophageal cancer
6. Mucosa: epithelial tissue lining the lumen. Has special cells that secrete digestive juices (glandular epithelial cells) and mucous (goblet cells) Submucos: connective tissue Muscularis: smooth muscle Serosa: simple squamous epithelium that secretes serous fluid
7. The acidity in the stomach kills bacteria and also activates pepsinogen to pepsin (digestive enzyme).
Absorbs water, salts and some vitamins and eliminates indigestible material as feces.