The Roadmap of your Essay The Thesis Statement The Roadmap of your Essay
Introduction By the end of our lesson today, you will: Have a better understanding of a thesis statement Know how to identify a thesis statement Know how to identify a good thesis statement Write a thesis statement.
What is a thesis statement? Has anyone ever learned this before?
Definition Thesis Statement The thesis statement is one sentence that tells the main idea of an essay. It tells the argument that you are going to defend. It states a claim and takes a position. In the essay you will defend your position using examples and/or facts to support your argument. Can you find the thesis statement in the following examples?
Example Thesis Statement Since I was a little girl, I’ve always been a teacher. Being the oldest made me the teacher and the student of many lessons that I would later have to teach my younger siblings. Teaching requires a person’s full attention. It also demands an extreme amount of patience. Being a teacher warrants a full commitment from the teacher. Teaching is a demanding, yet rewarding job. Thesis Statement: This last sentence states the main idea of the essay.
Thesis Statement Another Example Studies show that teenagers would benefit from a later school start. A later school start could mean more time for students and teachers to rest. This could also mean that teachers are more productive and could plan better lessons to engage their students in learning. Finally, a later start in school gives parents more time in the morning with their children. Middle and high schools should begin later in the morning to allow greater success in the school system. Thesis Statement: The main idea of the essay is school should begin later.
Key Features Thesis Statement Answers the prompt States the main idea in a complete sentence, not a question Usually at the end of an introduction States an opinion or attitude on a topic Is debatable Does not directly announce your main topic
Key Features Thesis Statement Answers the prompt States the main idea in a complete sentence, not a question Usually at the end of an introduction States an opinion or attitude on a topic Is debatable Does not directly announce your main topic
Key Features Answers the Prompt Does not answer the prompt completely Prompt Student Responses School uniforms are not connected to violence. Writing Situation: There has been a problem in local schools with discipline and violence. Your school board has decided to institute a school uniform policy in order to cut down on these problems, based on the positive examples that they have seen at other schools. Consider the issue of school uniforms. What is your position on this issue? Directions for Writing: Write a persuasive essay to give reasons for our position on the school uniform issue. The introduction of school uniforms may decrease violence, however, there may be other detrimental effects as a result of this new policy. Answers the prompt
Main Idea in a Complete Sentence Key Features Main Idea in a Complete Sentence Since the thesis statement is the main statement for the entire essay, it should express a complete thought and be a complete sentence. The thesis statement is asserting an opinion or idea, so it should not be a question. Look at the examples below to see how they can be made into thesis statements.
Key Features The Main Idea is a Complete Sentence The sport of basketball. THIS IS NOT A SENTENCE. The sport of basketball is an engaging sport that everyone should learn to play. THESIS STATEMENT Why is writing the best subject? THIS IS A QUESTION, NOT A STATEMENT. Writing is a very challenging subject, yet rewarding because one can express himself on paper to convince others. THESIS STATEMENT
A COMPLETE SENTENCE Another Example Marcus Garvey and the Harlem Renaissance. THIS IS NOT A SENTENCE. Marcus Garvey’s ability to rally people behind a cause, to make speeches, and to defend civil rights makes him arguably the most important figure of the Harlem Renaissance. THESIS STATEMENT What is the problem with big cities? THIS IS QUESTION, NOT A STATEMENT. The problem of pollution in major cities can be alleviated by limiting the number of cars allowed to drive on city streets and creating more efficient public transportation systems. THESIS STATEMENT
Key Features- Location Your reader likes to know what the essay is going to be about early on in the essay rather than the end of the essay. Because of this, the thesis statement is usually found at the end of the introductory paragraph.
KEY FEATURES LOCATION In America, freedom of expression is a right that our forefathers fought for. Lunch is a social time for students where they can express themselves with their friends. It is also a time when students don’t have to talk about school. Allowing students to express themselves in lunch allows for less off-topic discussion during classes. Silent lunch is a violation of students’ first amendment rights and is not an acceptable solution the loud noise in the cafeteria. THESIS STATEMENT
Key Features Location Maya Angelou is an accomplished African- American author in the United States. While growing up, she suffered tremendous hardship. Some of her most difficult life events are portrayed in novels and poems such as, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and, Still I Rise. Her written works often include strong themes such as perseverance through trials, love for family, and passionate optimism. THESIS STATEMENT
Key Features States an Opinion or Attitude A thesis statement states an opinion or attitude about a particular topic, making the thesis more specific. The writer must defend or explain this opinion in the essay. Look at the following slides to see examples.
An Opinion or Attitude Another Example This would not be considered a good thesis statement, because it is only expressing a fact. It doesn’t reflect the writer’s opinion or attitude on Cancun. This thesis statement doesn’t give the writer very much to explain or prove in his/her essay. Cancun is a popular vacation spot in Mexico. Cancun is one of the best vacation spots in Mexico because of its comfortable climate and proximity to some well-known archeological sites. This thesis statement is much better because it expresses how the writer feels about Cancun. This thesis statement requires the writer to explain how and why going to Cancun is a good choice for visitors.
Key Features Don’t State the Obvious At all costs, you should avoid using “I’m going to write about…” or “This essay will discuss…” in your thesis statements. Try to write the thesis statement in a way that will capture your reader’s attention, but does not state the obvious.
Don’t State the Obvious In this essay, I’m going to talk about why students shouldn’t have to wear uniforms. A dress code requiring students to wear uniforms can inhibit student expression, quench creativity, and deter students from enjoying school.
Should be Debatable This essay will discuss the high number of homeless people living in Berkley, California. Homeless people in Berkeley should be given access to services, such as regular food donations, public restrooms, and camping facilities, because it would improve life for all inhabitants of the city.
Should pick a side Secondhand smoke is bad and can cause heart disease and cancer; therefore, smoking should be outlawed in public places, but outlawing smoking is unfair to smokers so maybe non-smokers can just hold their breath or wear masks around smokers instead. Secondhand smoke is just as harmful as smoking and leads to a higher prevalence of cancer and heart disease. What’s worse, people who inhale secondhand smoke are doing so without consent. For this reason, smoking in any public place should be banned.
Make a claim that will be supported later in your paper. Humans should relocate to Mars. It is too late to save earth; therefore, humans should immediately set a date for their relocation to Mars where, with proper planning, they can avoid issues of famine, war, and global warming.
Formulaic Thesis vs. Non-Formulaic
Formulaic Argumentative Example “Americans should eliminate the regular consumption of fast food because the fast food diet leads to problems such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.”
Non-Formulaic Argumentative Example “Americans should eliminate the regular consumption of fast food because the fast food diet leads to preventable and expensive health issues.”
REMEMBER!! Each body paragraph must defend your opinion. Example: When writing about diabetes, you must tell how regular fast food consumption has led to diabetes and why that is bad. When writing about obesity, you must tell how regular fast food consumption has led to obesity and why that is bad for Americans. You also must remember your questions!!
Formulaic Argumentative Example Movies made about books are bad to watch because they ruin the book, deviate from the book’s plot, and give kids a tempting alternative to actually reading.
Non-Formulaic Argumentative Example Although students might enjoy watching movies made about the books they read for school, they should avoid watching them until long after they finish the course because watching films made about books inevitably corrupts their understanding of that book’s content and message.
Key Features Review Answers the prompt States the main idea in a complete sentence, not a question Usually at the end of an introduction States an opinion or attitude on a topic Does not directly announce your main topic
Misc. Points No 1st or 2nd person pronouns No contractions No evidence in introduction or conclusion No questions!! (No) 5 paragraph essays.
Go!!!!! Now it’s your turn. Refer back to your topic and get to work constructing your thesis statement!!!! I must sign off on your thesis before you can move forward.