Frustration American casualties were discouraging many from supporting the war (58,000 deaths by end. 300,000 wounded) Public support for the war had been high in the mid-60s, but as the reality of the war was displayed nightly on television news programs, American’s enthusiasm quickly eroded Viewers had to decide whether to believe the government’s claims that we were winning, or trust what they saw on TV – they chose television
The “Television War” The reality of the war was displayed nightly on television news programs Viewers had to decide whether to believe the govt’s claims that we were winning, or trust what they saw on TV
Frustration “Doves” and “Hawks” Doves- for US withdrawal from Vietnam Hawks- escalating the war Hawks supported escalating the war as a noble fight against communism, buying into the “domino theory” that if Vietnam fell, so would all of Southeast Asia Doves opposed the war and called on the government to pull out of Vietnam completely
An Unpopular draft The draft resulted in an anti-war movement Young, poor men were sent to fight in what was seen as an unjust war Wealthy could seek deferments, while poor, urban, and African Americans were sent to fight College students (who tended to be from white, middle or upper-class families) could win draft deferments, while those who could not afford college (many from poor minorities) found themselves more at risk of being drafted and deployed to Vietnam African Americans made up about 10% of the US population, but accounted for 20% of US casualties during the war
An Unpopular draft Young men felt that if they could not vote, they should not fight 26th amendment= Lowers the voting age to 18 Eventually, draft was replaced by a lottery system Many publicly burned their draft cards or refused to register Some chose to leave the US, fleeing to Canada or Europe Some refused to serve when drafted, choosing to do time in prison over fighting
1972- Draft Chart
The Media Turns Against the War CBS Evening News anchorman Walter Cronkite declared “It is more certain than ever that the bloody experience in Vietnam is to end in a stalemate” LBJ approval rating=26%
1968 – America’s Nightmare Riots occurred outside the Chicago Democratic Convention Robert F Kennedy (leading candidate for Democrats) assassinated LBJ’s VP Hubert Humphrey nominated
Richard nixon Richard Nixon(R)- promised to end the war and appealed to the “silent majority” The Americans that were not protesting and that the Great Society ignored
Pressure To Get Out 1968-US troops murdered hundreds of civilians in the village of My Lai The trial became public in 1971, served as greater evidence for why we should leave Vietnam
Vietnamization Nixon’s plan for ending the war =Vietnamization Slow, gradual withdraw of US troops, handing the war over to the South Vietnamese “Peace with honor”
Trouble for Nixon Nixon was slow to deliver on his promises Bombed Cambodia and Laos; Did not tell Congress of the plan Wanted to disrupt Vietcong supplies This invasion sparked nationwide U.S. protests as Nixon had promised to deescalate the American involvement. Four students were killed by National Guardsmen at Kent State University during a protest in Ohio, which provoked further public outrage in the United States
Trouble for Nixon Kent State University- antiwar protest turns deadly as 4 students were killed by the National Guard Displayed tensions between hawks and doves. Displayed the tensions between hawks and doves, the protestors and the silent majority Nick Saban There was a significant national response to the shootings: hundreds of universities, colleges, and high schools closed throughout the United States due to a student strike of 4 million students,
Student activism College campuses were the focal point of the draft Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Against racism, poverty, and the war Michigan
Pressure To Get Out 1971- Pentagon Papers were published Detailed the dishonest and deceitful policies of the US in Vietnam Published for the public in the New York Times 1971: former Dept. of Defense employee Daniel Ellsberg leaked classified documents to the New York Times These documents revealed that the White House and military had deliberately acted to deceive Congress, the media, and the public about how the war was progressing
Credibility Gap As the war progressed, it was clear to many Americans that the government was not honest with us credibility gap-difference between what the govt said, and what was reported by the media
The war Finally ends 1973, the US and North Vietnam signed the Paris Peace Accords US would withdraw all troops, POW’s would be exchanged, but NVA would remain in the South 550 POW’s were returned, Saigon fell to the Communists in 1975 After peace talks broke down in December 1972, Nixon ordered a relentless bombing campaign against the North B-52 bombers hit targets in North Vietnam for 11 straight days To stop the bombing, the North agreed to return to the bargaining table
The war’s impact War Powers Act: Required President to consult with Congress before committing troops Americans were more suspicious of the government’s foreign policies and less willing to intervene Passed to place limits on the president’s power to engage the military in combat operations Requires the president to inform Congress within 48 hours of committing US troops and to withdraw those troops with 60 to 90 days unless Congress approves their mission