Be Safe, Be Seen, Be Secure Wear a helmet when you ride your bike to protect your head if you fall off, or crash. KEEP SAFE! When you are out stick to streets and roads you know, keep to busy areas and avoid taking shortcuts. Choose strong passwords, change them regularly and don’t tell anyone what they are. Don’t cook or play with the stove or with matches. Be Safe, Be Seen, Be Secure
Do not go off with other people. PERSONAL SAFETY Personal safety is about keeping yourself, your friends, family and people in the community safe. Make firm arrangements about getting to and from school, and stick to them. If someone is picking you up and they are late, go back into school or your club. Do not go off with other people.
BE SEEN BE SAFE Being seen is being safe. Have lights on your bike. Check your reflectors are clean. Have a bell fitted so you can warn others you are approaching. Wear something light, or fluorescent in the day. At night wear something white and reflective.
However, there are some risks. SAFETY ONLINE Be Safe! The internet can be a great benefit to you and can help you do your homework and have fun. It can also keep you in touch with friends and family. However, there are some risks. Everything you share online can potentially be seen by everyone – be careful what photo and information you put online. Be in control of what you share online – don’t give out personal details. Never arrange to meet anyone you have had contact with online without the permission of a trusted adult.
name address birthday 2 / 6 / Things to think about… Websites you use me@ mymail. com 6 / address Websites you use 1 Friends you accept 1ntern3T Txt you write… Language u use Joe Bloggs Passwords 4 Privet Drive Email address birthday Ppl u talk to! 07779 778 779 Phone numbers Games you play
Do not respond to unwanted messages or emails. Tell a trusted adult which internet site you are looking at – follow the rule you agree. Some people use the internet to be nasty to others – tell a trusted adult. Do not respond to unwanted messages or emails. If you are worried or concerned about anything you see or receive online, tell a trusted adult.
Calls are also free from a payphone. REMEMBER, in an emergency, you can ring 999 on your mobile phone even if you don’t have any credit on it. Calls are also free from a payphone.
Be Safe, Be Seen, Be Secure Being safe is about being smart, making the right choices and knowing what to do when you just don’t feel happy about something. Be Safe, Be Seen, Be Secure The best way to stay safe is to follow safety rules and to pay attention to what is around you.