Jeffrey Vetrano and Jennifer Nelson May 11, 2018 Math and Update Jeffrey Vetrano and Jennifer Nelson May 11, 2018
Multiple Measure Placement What is Changing? Informed Pathways Transfer Agreements Developmental Math Dual Enrollment Math Pathways Co-Requisite Support Multiple Measure Placement Credit-Level MTH Courses Placement Testing Academic Advising SIS Degree Requirements
Multiple Measures Policy The policy is in effect now. High School GPA and SAT information are entered into SIS within the Test Scores area. High school transcripts will be analyzed in an automated manner eventually.
New Courses Course Number Title Offered Online in 2018? Corresponding Current Courses BSK 1, MTT 1 – 4 Developmental Math Units YES not new courses MTH 9* MTE Unit Bundle 6-9 NO - MTH 111* Basic Technical Math MTH 133 Mathematics for Health Professions MTH 126 MTH 154 (with MCR 4) Quantitative Reasoning MTH 151, MTH 152, MTH 157 MTH 161 (with MCR 6) Precalculus I MTH 163 MTH 162 Precalculus II MTH 164 MTH 167 Precalculus with Trigonometry MTH 166 MTH 245 Statistics I MTH 241 MTH 246 Statistics II MTH 242 MTH 261 Applied Calculus I MTH 271 MTH 262 Applied Calculus II MTH 272 MTH 263 Calculus I MTH 173 MTH 264 Calculus II MTH 174 MTH 265 Calculus III MTH 277 MTH 266 Linear Algebra MTH 285 MTH 267 Differential Equations MTH 291 MTH 281 Introductory Abstract Algebra TBD MTH 200 MTH 288 Discrete Math MTH 286 *MTH 9 and MTH 111 are not likely to be offered until Spring 2019. Calculus I, Calculus II, and Discrete Math will all reduce by one credit hour. Students changing from an old catalog year to 2018-2019 run a risk of losing credits in courses from other disciplines
Reduction in Credit Hours - Strategy Degree Math Requirement (2017-2018) Solution Notes Engineering A.S. and Electrical Engineering specialization MTH 173, 174, 277 Take MTH 266 or MTH 267 to replace two missing credit hours MTH 267 is required in 2018-2019 Science A.S. MTH 173, 174 Take any one of MTH 265, 266, 267, 288 to replace two missing credit hours Biology majors may also select MTH 245 Science A.S., Math specialization MTH 173, 174, 277 and elective Take all of MTH 266, 267, 288 to replace two missing credit hours and satisfy both electives - Computer Science A.S. MTH 166, 173, 174 Take any one of MTH 265, 266, 288 to replace two missing credit hours advanced CSC (such as CSC 206) or related course (EGR 265) are also permitted
MCR – Co-Requisite Support Starting in Fall 2018, we will offer MCR (Math Co-Requisite) courses in order to provide students with additional help in their gateway courses. MCR classes are two credits MCR classes are developmental and qualify for financial aid For students that need exactly 1 or 2 units of developmental math Example 1: A student who has completed only Units 1-4 will receive the XMCB student group and may enroll in Quantitative Reasoning (MTH 154) along with MCR 4. Example 2: A student who has completed only Units 1-6, 8 will receive the XMCC student group and may enroll in Precalculus I (MTH 161) along with MCR 6. *A student must pass the credit-level course (MTH 154 or MTH 161) for the remaining unit requirement to be waived.
Transitions – Course Repeats Original Course Grade May be Replaced By MTH 126 - MTH 151 MTH 152 MTH 157 MTH 163 MTH 161 MTH 164 MTH 162 MTH 166 MTH 167 MTH 181 MTH 182 MTH 200 MTH 281 MTH 241 MTH 245 MTH 242 MTH 246 MTH 271 MTH 261 MTH 272 MTH 262 MTH 173 MTH 174 MTH 277 MTH 265 MTH 285 MTH 266 MTH 286 MTH 291 MTH 267 The nine courses whose grades cannot be replaced by one of the new courses will be offered on a very limited basis one last time in Fall 2018. One section of each of these courses will be offered in Annandale, and one section will be offered online. Additional campuses are offering other face-to-face sections. However, MTH 126 will be offered only online. These additional sections will be open only to students who are repeating the course and hoping to improve their grades. Grades earned in these “last chance” sections are permanent. They cannot be replaced in the future!!!
C or Better in Prerequisite Courses What has changed? In order to take the next course in a math sequence, students must earn a grade of C or higher in the prerequisite. What has not changed? Non-math courses with math prerequisites (such as science, computer science, engineering, etc) do not require a C or higher in the prerequisite math course. Degree and certificate grade requirements for math courses have not changed. Example: Suppose a student earns a D in MTH 173 – Calculus I in Spring 2018. This student will not be eligible to take MTH 264 – Calclulus II in Fall 2018. EGR 126 has a prerequisite of MTH 173. This student will be eligible to take EGR 126 in Fall 2018.
Course Registration Logic Multiple Measures can place a student into MTH 111, 133, 154, 161 or 167. However, students become eligible to register for any other credit-level math course if any of the following conditions are satisfied. The student has earned a final grade of C or higher in the immediate prerequisite. OR The student has enrolled in the immediate prerequisite, but has not yet earned a final grade. The student has previously enrolled in another course that has the same prerequisite. The student is repeating a course.
Manual Drops The registration logic opens the possibility that a student can register for a math course without earning a C or better in the prerequisite. Drops will not be performed automatically in SIS. Each math department will be responsible for dropping such students from the math courses offered on its campus. Checks will be performed in early May (next Monday!) and then periodically during the summer. Math faculty will be asked to check their class rosters at the start of their fall sessions. The math Discipline Group will be communicating about strategies to help affected students.
Coming Soon MCR Registration: SIS can link MCR sections to designated credit-level sections under a variety of configurations. Each campus math department will decide whether to use these configurations or to keep the department consent requirement for Spring 2019. Automated Catalog Substitutions: New math courses currently satisfy the degree requirement for their corresponding equivalent courses in SIS for students in old catalogs. Only substitutions which replace grades are currently automated in SIS. Eventually we plan for all pre-approved substitutions to be automated. Degree Progress Reporting: SIS reports showing degree progress will be updated to reflect the automated substitutions. Automated High School Transcript Interpretation: Most high school transcripts will be loaded to SIS and interpreted automatically.
Additional Resources Developmental math: VCCS Math Pathways: Course Content Summaries: NVCC Math Blog: Advising SharePoint Site: Transfer Pathways Site: