Microelectronic Circuits Zhou Lingling Chapter 3 Diodes Functionality and Physical Operation 2018/11/14 J. Chen
Content 3.1 The Ideal Diode 3.2 Terminal Characteristics of Junction Diodes 3.3 Modeling the Diode Forward Characteristic 3.4 Operation in the Reverse Breakdown Region—Zener Diodes 3.5 Rectifier Circuits (整流电路) 3.6 Limiting and Clamping Circuits (限幅与钳位电路) 3.7 Physical Operation of Diodes 3.8 Special Diode Types 3.9 The SPICE Diode Model and Simulation Examples J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.1 Linear and Nonlinear Devices So far, almost all the devices we have learnt are linear Many signal-processing functions, however, are implemented by nonlinear devices Nonlinear amplifier Linear amplifier J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.1 Symbol and characteristic Diode (二极管) is the simplest and most fundamental nonlinear circuit element i i (d) Equivalent circuit in the forward direction i > 0 v =0 + v - (a) Diode circuit symbol + v - i Anode Cathode ---Reverse bias--- ---Forward bias--- (c) Equivalent circuit in the reverse direction v < 0 i=0 i + v - 0 v (b) i–v characteristic of the ideal diode Note: measures should be taken to limit the forward current and the reverse voltage! J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.2 Junction Diodes and its Characteristics The most important region is the boundary between n-type and p-type semiconductor, which is called pn junction(pn结) (v) The diode i–v relationship (mA) pn junction J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.2 Junction Diodes and its Characteristics (mA) (nA) The diode i–v relationship (Note the scale expansion / compression) cut-in voltage J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.3 The Diode Models Mathematic Model: Forward biased Reverse biased where 𝑰 𝒔 saturation current 𝒗 𝑻 = 𝒌𝑻 𝒒 thermal voltage(~25 mv at room temperature) 𝒏=𝟏𝟐 (In general, n = 1) J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.3 Temperature dependence Voltage drop @-2 mV/C Temperature dependence of the diode forward characteristic J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.3 The Diode Models Circuit Model : usually derived by approximating the curve into piecewise-line According to practical applications, there are different models, such as Simplified diode model The constant-voltage-drop model Small-signal model High-frequency model Zener Diode Model J. Chen 2018/11/14
Forward bias short circuit Reverse bias open circuit 3.3 Ideal Diode Model Forward bias short circuit Reverse bias open circuit J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.3 Simplified Diode Model Piecewise-linear model of the diode forward characteristic Equivalent circuit representation. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.3 Constant-Voltage-Drop Model The constant-voltage-drop model of the diode forward characteristics and its equivalent-circuit representation. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.3 Small-Signal* Model rd (n = 2) Incremental resistance rd *The signal amplitude is sufficiently small such that the excursion at Q along the i-v curve is limited to a short, almost linear segment. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.3 High-Frequency Model Related to the bias J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.4 Zener Diode Model The diode i–v characteristic with the breakdown region shown in some detail J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.5 The Application of Diode Circuits Rectifier circuits Half-wave rectifier Full-wave rectifier The peak rectifier Voltage regulator (稳压器) Limiter (限幅器) Logic Circuits J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.5 Half-Wave Rectifier (a) Half-wave rectifier (b) Equivalent circuit (d) Input and output waveforms (c) Transfer characteristic J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.5 Parameter determination In selecting diodes for rectifier design, two important parameters must be specified: The current-handling capability The peak inverse voltage (PIV) It is usually prudent, however, to select a diode that has a reverse breakdown voltage at least 50% greater than the expected PIV. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.5 Full-Wave Rectifier Transfer characteristic Transformer with a center-tapped (中心抽头) secondary winding + Transfer characteristic + Input and output waveforms J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.5 The Bridge Rectifier Circuit Input and output waveforms J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.5 Peak Rectifier The pulsating nature of the output voltage produced by the rectifier circuits makes it unsuitable as a dc supply for electronic circuits. A simple way to reduce the variation of the output voltage is to place a capacitor across the load resistor. The filter capacitor serves to reduce substantially the variations in the rectifier output J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.5 Peak Rectifier Voltage and current waveforms in the peak rectifier circuit with 𝑅𝐶≫𝑇, where T is the period. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.5 Peak Rectifier Block diagram of a dc power supply J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Physical Operation of the diode How can a diode present totally different behavior in forward and backward bias? To answer the question, we need to know: Material, structure and the related features (crystal and semiconductor in particular) New particles to carry charge in addition to electrons New mechanism(s) of conduction in addition to what we have known Techniques to manufacture the devices J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Basic semiconductor concepts Intrinsic Semiconductor (本征半导体) Doped Semiconductor (掺杂半导体) Carriers (载流子) Diffusion (扩散运动) Drift (漂移运动) J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Elements and material Periodic table J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Material and structure Structure is another important factor to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the material! allotrope(同素异形体), e.g. diamond graphite J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Crystal and noncrystal Regular shape, fixed freezing temperature, fixed boiling point, etc. Why? Regular lattice structure! Atoms can not tell from each other: they behave uniquely In noncrystal, however, the atoms of the same element usually play different roles, e.g. Polymer aromatic hydrogen bonds (芳香氢键) J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Silicon(硅/矽) IV element Each atom is bound with four neighbors via Covalent Bond Its atomic structure is tetrahedron(四面体,与金刚石相同) Monocrystalline silicon polycrystalline silicon 单晶硅 多晶硅 Tetrahedron (四面体) J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 2-D representation of the silicon crystal +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Silicon atoms Covalent bond Valence electrons J. Chen 2018/11/14
Energy bands resulted in from energy level splitting 3.7 Transition The movement of electrons between the energy bands is call transition (跃迁). Transition is always accompanied with energy change (absorption or emission of photons and/or phonons, temperature change, etc.) Energy bands resulted in from energy level splitting J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Intrinsic semiconductor Microelectronic Circuits Zhou Lingling 3.7 Intrinsic semiconductor Pure semiconductor At 0 K, all bonds are intact and no free electrons are available for current conduction Ev(价带) Ec(导带) Eg = Ec - Ev @ The energy bands and the states of electrons in Si/Ge at T= 0 K J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Thermal ionization At room temperature, some of the covalent bonds are broken by thermal ionization Each broken bond gives rise to a free electron and a hole, both of which become available for current conduction Carriers(载流子) Free electron ---produced by thermal ionization. It can move freely in the lattice structure so as to form current Hole---empty position in broken covalent bond. It can also “move” freely to form current J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Recombination & thermal equilibrium The free electron is a negative charge and the hole is a positive charge. Both of them can move in the crystal structure, so as to form electric current. Recombination A free electron may fill into a hole, resulting in the disappearance of a pair of carriers ( a free electron and a hole). Thermal equilibrium At a steady temperature, the recombination rate is equal to the ionization rate thermal equilibrium (热平衡) The concentration of the carriers at thermal equilibrium does not change and can be calculated. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Carrier concentration Carrier concentration in thermal equilibrium where (k : Boltzmann constant) At room temperature (T=300K) for Si, J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Important notes 𝒏 𝒊 strongly depends on temperature. The high the temperature is, the dramatically great the carrier concentration is At room temperature only one of every billion atoms is ionized Silicon’s conductivity is between that of conductors and insulators. Actually the characteristic of intrinsic silicon approaches to insulators J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Doped semiconductor Conductivity of the semiconductor can be significantly changed by doping. There are two types of doped semiconductors: n type and p type. They are used to form pn junction. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 n type semiconductor P Bound charge J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 n type semiconductor Donor--- pentavalent impurity provides free electrons (usually entirely ionized at room temperature) Positive bound charge---impurity atom donating electron gives rise to positive bound charge Majority carriers---free electrons (mostly generated by ionized donor and a very tiny portion by thermal ionization) . Minority carriers---holes (only generated by thermal ionization) . J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Carrier concentration for n type Thermal equilibrium equation Electric neutral equation where ND is the donor concentration J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Carrier concentration for n type In a n type Si, the following relationships hold (at room temperature): and J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 p type semiconductor Acceptor--- trivalent impurity provides holes (usually entirely ionized) Negative bound charge --- impurity atom accepting hole give rise to negative bound charge Majority carriers---holes (mostly generated by ionized acceptor and a tiny small portion by thermal ionization) Minority carriers--- free electrons (only generated by thermal ionization) Al J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Carrier concentration for p type Thermal equilibrium equation Electric neutral equation where NA is the acceptor concentration J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Carrier concentration for p type In a p type Si, the following relationships hold (at room temperature): and J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Conclusion on the doped semiconductor Majority carrier is only determined by the impurity. It is independent of temperature. Minority carrier is strongly affected by temperature. If the temperature is high enough, the characteristic of doped semiconductor will decline to that of intrinsic semiconductor J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Doping compensation On p type semiconductor (substrate), n type semiconductor can be formed by injecting donors with 𝑁 𝐷 ≫ 𝑁 𝐴 into the specific area. or reversely. NA ND + J. Chen 2018/11/14
The boundary between n and p type semiconductor is the pn junction. 3.7 Doping compensation The boundary between n and p type semiconductor is the pn junction. This is the basic step for VLSI fabrication technology. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Semiconductor materials IV: Si---today’s IC technology is based entirely on silicon Ge---early used for diode and transistor, and presently used mostly for opto-electronic devices III-V: Gallium arsenide (GaAs)---used for microwave circuits InP---used for optoelectronics II-VI: used for luminescence, IF, etc. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Carriers movement There are two mechanisms for holes and free electrons to move in the silicon crystal. Drift The carrier motion is generated by the electrical field across a piece of silicon. This motion will produce drift current (漂移电流). Diffusion The carrier motion is generated by the carrier concentration gradient. The motion of carriers from high concentration area to low one will give rise to diffusion current(扩散电流) J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Drift and drift current Drift velocities Drift current densities where are the constants called mobility of holes and electrons, respectively J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Drift and drift current Total drift current density Resistivity J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Resistivity for intrinsic semiconductor Resistivity is inversely proportional to the carrier concentration of intrinsic semiconductor Temperature coefficient (TC) for resistivity of intrinsic semiconductor is negative due to positive TC of ni J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Resistivities for doped semiconductor Resistivities are inversely proportional to the concentration of doped impurities. Temperature coefficient for resistivity of doped semiconductor is positive due to negative TC of mobility For n type For p type J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Diffusion and diffusion current A bar of intrinsic silicon (a) in which the hole concentration profile shown in (b) has been created along the x-axis by some unspecified mechanism. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Diffusion and diffusion current where are the diffusion constants or diffusivities for hole and electron, respectively The diffusion current density is proportional to the slope of the concentration curve, or the concentration gradient. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Einstein relationship Einstein relationship exists between the carrier diffusivity and mobility: where VT is thermal voltage(温度电压当量), At room temperature, = J. Chen 2018/11/14
Usually the pn junction is asymmetric, p+n or pn+ The superscript “+” denotes the region of more heavily doped in comparison with the other region J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 The carriers movement in a pn junction Recall of semiconductor characteristics: p-type: majority carriers (holes)+ very few amount of minority carriers (free electrons) + negative bound charges n-type: majority carriers (free electrons)+ very few amount of minority carriers (holes) + positive bound charges Carriee movement in pn junction J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 pn junction under open-circuit condition Procedure of forming pn junction Diffusion Space charge (a) the pn junction Drift Equilibrium (b) the potential distribution J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Junction built-in voltage The junction built-in voltage(内建电场) It depends on doping concentration and temperature Its TC is negative. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Width of the depletion region Depletion region exists almost entirely on the slightly doped side. Width depends on the voltage across the junction. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 i-v Characteristics The diode i–v relationship with some scales expanded and others compressed in order to reveal details J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 The pn junction under forward-bias The pn junction excited by a constant-current source supplying a current I in the forward direction. The depletion layer narrows and the barrier voltage decreases by V volts, which appears as an external voltage in the forward direction. 动画演示 J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Carrier distribution under forward-bias Minority-carrier distribution in a forward-biased pn junction. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Excess minority carrier concentration where diffusion length excess-minority-carrier lifetime Exponential relationship Small voltage incremental gives rise to great incremental of excess minority carrier concentration J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Total current under forward-bias where Is---saturation current A---junction cross-sectional area J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Turn-on voltage A conduction diode has approximately a constant voltage drop across it. It’s called turn-on voltage. For silicon, 𝑉 𝐷(𝑜𝑛) =0.7 (𝑣). Diodes with different current rating will exhibit the turn-on voltage at different currents. Negative TC, J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 The pn junction under reverse-bias The pn junction excited by a constant-current source I in the reverse direction. To avoid breakdown, I is kept smaller than IS. Note that the depletion layer widens and the barrier voltage increases by VR volts, which appears between the terminals as a reverse voltage. 动画演示 J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Carrier distribution under reverse-bias UR p-type area n-type area pn0 nn0 pp0 np0 x J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 i-v characteristic equation Independent of voltage where Is is the saturation current. It is proportional to ni2, which is a strong function of temperature. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 The pn junction in the breakdown region The pn junction excited by a reverse-current source I, where I > IS The junction breaks down, and a voltage VZ , with the polarity indicated, develops across the junction. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Breakdown mechanisms Zener effect Avalanche effect Occurs in heavily doping semiconductor Breakdown voltage is less than 5v. Carriers generated by electric field---field ionization. TC is negative. Avalanche effect Occurs in slightly doping semiconductor Breakdown voltage is more than 7v. Carriers generated by collision. TC is positive. Remember: pn junction breakdown is not a destructive process, provided that the maximum specified power dissipation is not exceeded. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Junction Capacitance Diffusion Capacitance Charge stored in bulk region changes with the change of voltage across pn junction gives rise to capacitive effect Small-signal diffusion capacitance 扩散电容 Cd, 由多数载流子在扩散过程中的积累引起,正向偏置时起主要作用 J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Junction Capacitance Depletion capacitance Charge stored in depletion layer changes with the change of voltage across pn junction, which gives rise to capacitive effect. Small-signal depletion capacitance UR UR+ΔU 势垒电容 Cb 由PN结的空间电荷区形成,又称结电容。反向偏置时起主要作用 J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Diffusion Capacitance According to the definition: The charge stored in bulk region is obtained from the following equations: J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Diffusion Capacitance The expression for diffusion capacitance: Forward-bias, linear relationship Reverse-bias, almost inexistence J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Depletion Capacitance According to the definition: Actually this capacitance is similar to parallel plate capacitance. J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Depletion Capacitance A more general formula for depletion capacitance is : where m is called grading coefficient. If the concentration changes sharply, J. Chen 2018/11/14
3.7 Junction Capacitance Remember: Diffusion and depletion capacitances are incremental capacitances, only are applied under the small-signal circuit condition. They are not constants, they have relationship with the voltage across the pn junction. J. Chen 2018/11/14
SUMMARY The silicon junction diode is basically a pn junction. Such a junction is formed in a single silicon crystal. A silicon diode conducts a negligible current until the forward voltage is at least 0.5 V. Then the current increases rapidly, @ a decade per 60 mV or 120 mV (depending on the value of n). In the reverse direction, a silicon diode conducts a current on the order of 10-9A. This current is much greater than Is and increases with the magnitude of reverse voltage. J. Chen 2018/11/14
SUMMARY Beyond a certain value of reverse voltage breakdown occurs, and current increases rapidly with a small corresponding increase in voltage. A hierarchy of diode models exists. The selection of an appropriate model depends on the application. There are other semiconductors. However Si is dominant for electronic devices because: better thermal stability due to large bandgap abundant (27 % in the Earth) and cheap J. Chen 2018/11/14
“When you find yourself competing with silicon, don’t.” SUMMARY “When you find yourself competing with silicon, don’t.” Arno Penzias, joined Bell Lab in 1961 best known for his work in radio astronomy, winning a Nobel Prize in 1978 for research that enabled a better understanding of the origins of the universe. Tingye Li, joined Bell Lab in 1957 a world-renowned scientist in the fields of microwaves, lasers and optical communications. His innovational work on lightwave communications has had a far-reaching impact on information technology for decades J. Chen 2018/11/14
Homework Feb. 29 March 7 3.5;3.20;3.30; 3.52;3.63 ;3.106;3.114 J. Chen 2018/11/14