EMPLOYERS’ GUIDE to the Learning Progressions Read with understanding
To support your understanding of the Literacy and Numeracy demands in your workplace and how they relate to the ability and efficiency of your employees to… get the job done!
Introduction: Read with understanding This set of guides will support you to see what your employees are able to cope with in terms of their ability to: Read with understanding Write to communicate Listen with understanding Speak to communicate Make sense of numbers In relation to the demands in the workplace, for example: Documentation, e.g., Payslips Forms, e.g., Hazard Reporting Tasks, e.g., SOPs
How to use the guides Each guide is ‘subject’ based and gives an example of a workplace task/document. The guides show you what your employees will currently be able to cope with, at each level of the Learning Progressons, and explain why. You can work through each level or go straight to the slide that relates to the literacy and numeracy levels of your employees (results from the Assessment Tool). Please refer to the Skills Highway website for FAQs.
Skill levels of your staff Your employees will do an initial assessment. Their levels appear in a report like this example. The results show their skills range from Step 1 (the lowest) to Step 6 (the highest).
READING WITH UNDERSTANDING GUIDE The following slides detail and explain to you what someone can cope with, from Step 1 right through to Step 6, when it comes to: using common workplace documents READING WITH UNDERSTANDING
Understand a workplace poster. STEP 1 Understand a workplace poster. WHAT EXAMPLE Identify familiar words Locate words in familiar everyday texts The employee is able to: follow short simple text supported by pictures.
Understand a calendar with NZ statutory holidays STEP 2 Understand a calendar with NZ statutory holidays WHAT EXAMPLES Interpret information from a familiar text Associate words with dates The employee is: familiar with calendar layout recognises days of the week; months of the year; public holidays.
Understand a work order follow-up sheet STEP 3 Understand a work order follow-up sheet WHAT EXAMPLE Understand everyday and less common words. Locate specific information in documents Identify sources for information or select the information to complete the form Evaluate information across documents The employee is able to: take information from various sources to complete a form.
Understand a job specification STEP 4 Understand a job specification WHAT EXAMPLE Understand specialised words and longer and more complex documents Draw pieces of information together Make connections between pieces of information The employee knows the meaning of words such as: legislation installation efficiently compliance standards.
Understand a Company Rules and Disciplinary Process STEP 5 Understand a Company Rules and Disciplinary Process WHAT EXAMPLES Locate and summarise important information in longer, unfamiliar documents Understand specialised words The employee is able to read and understand: multi-page documents specialised words, e.g., misconduct prescribed consumption ‘…deemed necessary…’.
Understand a Job Description for a General Labourer STEP 6 Understand a Job Description for a General Labourer WHAT EXAMPLES Understand all specialised words and terms Think critically Understand how this document works compared to others The employee is able to: understand the meaning of, e.g., compromising quality, within budget, compliance. recognise whether they have the required skills and knowledge to apply for the job.
Education Unlimited in developing this resource. The Skills Highway team and the Industry Training Federation gratefully acknowledge the work of Education Unlimited in developing this resource.