Your name first, Your mentor’s name(s), and the Professor Title Your name first, Your mentor’s name(s), and the Professor Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering or Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 What I studied What method I used Status/Results Interesting image(s)—you can use more than one, but keep them in this general area of your poster More interesting images that show your apparatus or method More interesting images of your results (data plots, what you built) Provide a short caption to immediately orient the viewer. Make your caption stand out from the rest of the text (for example, by making it a different color or setting it in italics). Each figure should add something specific and relevant to the description of the project—no “eye candy.” Tell the viewer why this problem is important. What has been done in the past. How your work is new and different. Write short phrases and sentences, not whole paragraphs. Describe the tools/methods you used to perform your research. Short statements should move from the general to the specific. The last statement(s) here could identify the particular piece of the project you worked on. The poster should show either some results, status or a combination of the two. Your project may not be completed, but that’s o.k.—status is fine. This section could include a conclusion about some specific point from the Intro or the Apparatus/Methods sections. The last statement(s) here could discuss future work. Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by the Department of Physics in that case, or the National Science Foundation through an Engineering Research Center grant in the case of P/O/E/T/S.** **Check with your research adviser on exactly what wording to use here.