Title IX Overview Mandy Hambleton, MS Title IX Director Florida State University Office of the Provost
What is Title IX?
University Responsibilities Stop the behavior Prevent its recurrence Remedy its effects Prohibit retaliation
FSU Policies Title IX Statement Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy Student Conduct Code Equal Opportunity Statement Equal Opportunity Non-Discrimination & Non-Retaliation Policy
To Whom does the Policy Apply? All Employees All Students Visitors Contractors/Vendors All individuals are protected by and held accountable to the policy, including off-campus behavior.
Behaviors Covered by University Policy Sex or Gender-based Discrimination Gender Stereotyping Gender-based Animosity Pregnancy & Parenting Discrimination Unjust or Inequitable Treatment on the Basis of: Sex Gender Gender Identity Gender Expression Sexual Orientation
Behaviors Covered by University Policy Sexual Misconduct Sexual Harassment Sexual Violence (Assault/Battery/Rape) Domestic Violence Dating Violence Stalking Sexual Exploitation
Confidential Resources Victim Advocate Program (24/7/365) University Counseling Center University Health Services Employee Assistance Program Community victim advocacy, mental health, or health care organizations
Notice “Knew or reasonably should have known” Duty to report and respond if: Affected person or responding person mentions You see or hear Second-hand reports Social media, news, colleagues, law enforcement Rumor mill, gossip, etc.
Responsible Employee Reporting If you see it or hear it, you own it and must report it. Ensures that all individuals receive the same information and access to resources and University responses Centralized entity to track trends and climate issues
Responsible Employee Reporting report.fsu.edu Responsible Employees – mandatory reporting to Title IX Director/EOC within two (2) days if: Affected person is a student; Affected person is someone you supervise; Incident involves sexual battery; or Incident involves a minor.
Annual Training All employees are expected to complete annual online training Invitation sent via e-mail Deans, Directors, and Department Heads will be tasked with ensuring each employee completes the annual training
Title IX Team Mandy Hambleton Title IX Director Courtney McHenry Sr. Title IX Investigator Lacey Southwick Title IX Investigator Amber Wagner Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees and 3rd Parties Vanessa Fuchs Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics Megan Brink Deputy Title IX Coordinator for FSUS
For more information, visit knowmore.fsu.edu