Deutschland-Online The eGovernment partnership between federal government, states and municipalities Oliver Rüß Federal Ministry of the Interior Rome, September 25th 2003
Content Deutschland-Online Basis and aims Joint Conference of the heads of the German states (June 26th 2003) Five elements of co-operation: Service portfolio Linking eGovernment portals Standards, data and process models Infrastructure eGovernment co-ordination and transfer
The eGovernment-Initiative of the Federal Government BundOnline 2005 The eGovernment-Initiative of the Federal Government more than 100 public authorities/agencies More than 400 public services 6 basic components basic infrastructures (f.e. networks) “one for all”-services 1,45 billion € (est.)
Why do we need Deutschland-Online? The aim of Deutschland-Online is to provide straightforward online services for citizens and businesses.
Complex „business-relationships“ … Deutschland-Online Complex „business-relationships“ … Transactions ... G2G G2C G2B Community State authority Behörde Citizens Business G2C G2B G2G Federation 16 states 14.000 communities about 10.000 large enter-prises, 3,3 million SMEs 82 million citizens eGovernment Anwendungen fassen vielfältige Geschäftsbeziehungen zusammen. (entsprechend aufzählen) Dabei geht es in der Regel um Austausch von Daten bzw. Transaktionen zwischen voneinander unabhängigen Akteuern (Bund, Länder, Kommunen). Der Föderalismus führt dabei zu geteilter Verantwortung zwischen Bund, Ländern und Kommunen, die Gremienstruktur ist schwach ausgeprägt Für die deutsche Verwaltung gibt es keine gemeinsame IT-Strategie, die über die Bewertung von Standards und die punktuelle Realisierung von Einzelverfahren deutlich hinaus geht (auch) daraus resultierend Zusätzlich werden voneinander unabhängigen sehr unterschiedliche IT Verfahren eingesetzt. Die Definition der Grundarchitektur, des Transports und des Metaformats (wie es SAGA – verbindlich nur für die Bundesverwaltung - definiert) alleine genügt hier für eine reibungslose Verbindung der Akteure nicht.
Heterogeneous Structure Integrated eGovernment Deutschland-Online Today Heterogeneous Structure Goal Integrated eGovernment Duplication No compatibility No workflow Fragmentary cross linking No harmony Joint strategy Coordinated development Interoperability Best RoI „Some For All“
German states and the Federation Deutschland-Online Joint Strategy: German states and the Federation June 26th 2003 Federation BundOnline 2005 Strategy Deutschland-Online States eGov- Master plan Local Levels Media@Komm
Standards, data and process models Deutschland-Online Elements of co-operation Portfolio Most important administration services Internet Portals Harmonization and cross linking Facilitation of data transfer and utilization of common Infrastructures Infrastructures Standards, data and process models Efficiently data transfer eGovernment-coordination and transfer of solutions Transfer
Element 1: Portfolio Deutschland-Online Goal: The federal, state and local governments will provide their most important administration services to the public in electronic form Income tax (partially realized) Information from the Central Trade and Industry Register Registration of addresses and civil status Official statistics Automobile registration
Element 2: Internet Portals Deutschland-Online Element 2: Internet Portals Goal: Structure and contents of the eGovernment portals will be standardized and linked to each other Joint service providing access to eGovernment offerings Directory of government agencies Job openings Forms service Publication of calls for tender and property for sale
► 2: Internet Portals Deutschland-Online Portals XML / Clearinghouses Standards / Infrastructures ► 2: Internet Portals Portals Electronic signatures Linking of Portals Directory of Government agencies Administrative Service 1 Administrative Service 2 Administrative Service 3 Portal-Services Administrative Service 4…
Element 3: Infrastructures Deutschland-Online Element 3: Infrastructures Goal: The partners will build and expand joint eGovernment infrastructures in order to make it easier to exchange data and to avoid duplication Development of a joint business model providing a basis for offering „some for all“ - developments Network of clearinghouses Procurement platform “eVergabe” The federal, state and local level will support the e-signature alliance
► 3: „Some for all“: Procurement platform (eVergabe) Deutschland-Online ► 3: „Some for all“: Procurement platform (eVergabe) Electronic placing Publication Offering Assignment Electronic signature Legally binding No paper documents needed
Element 4: Standards, data and process models Deutschland-Online Element 4: Standards, data and process models Goal: With jointly defined standards and data and process models, the partners are creating highly efficient communications and transaction structures The federal level has defined its Standards for eGovernment Applications (SAGA) XMeld for uninterrupted data exchange between registry offices and clearinghouses (realized) OSCI-Standard (Online Services Computer Interfaces) for secure and signed transactions (realized) Development of other XML-Standards
Reduction of Cost and Risks Deutschland-Online ► 4: Content of SAGA Interoperability Ensuring continuous information flow between citizens, partners and the federal government Reusability Establishing similar approaches for providing services and defining data models Open Specification Possibility to access specifications in the form of public available documentation Reduction of Cost and Risks Considering market and standards development Scalability Assuring the practicability of solutions at changing volume and transaction frequency requirements Basic components compose the core for IT standardization within the federal administration
Element 5: eGovernment co-ordination and transfer Deutschland-Online Element 5: eGovernment co-ordination and transfer Goal: The partners will improve e-Government co-ordination and speed the transfer of exemplary eGovernment applications State secretaries`committee on eGovernment (since 2001) KoopA ADV project office Transfer of MEDIA@Komm- and BundOnline- developments Management office for „Deutschland-Online“ at the Federal Ministry of the Interior
Thank you for your attention! Oliver Rüß Federal Ministry of the Interior