Light Review
Shadows Light Enerfy Light Light… Mystery 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
How are shadows created?
How would you create a shadow in a dark room, if a lamp is turned on? Shadows 200 How would you create a shadow in a dark room, if a lamp is turned on?
Point to where the shadow would appear in this picture. Shadows 300 Point to where the shadow would appear in this picture.
Why can’t you see shadows at night?
Explain how the shadow of a tree changes from noon to 4:00 Shadows 500 Explain how the shadow of a tree changes from noon to 4:00
Light Energy 100 Which color absorbs the most light?
Math Light Energy 200 Which surface would get the hottest in the summer time, grass or Huron’s track?
Name three sources of light Math Light Energy 200 Name three sources of light
It’s a chilly Fall day, what color shirt would you wear? Math Light Energy 400 It’s a chilly Fall day, what color shirt would you wear? Yellow or Dark Blue
Sunlight energy can heat up all of the following except: Math Light Energy 500 Sunlight energy can heat up all of the following except: Water Sand Soil Our Beds
LIGHT 100 How does light travel?
How does a straw look when it is half in the water? LIGHT 200 How does a straw look when it is half in the water?
Why is it better to wear a white t-shirt outside on a sunny day? LIGHT 300 Why is it better to wear a white t-shirt outside on a sunny day?
What color will get the hottest when placed in the sunlight: yellow, black, or white?
LIGHT 500 If you put a white and black object in the sun for 2 hours, what would most likely happen?
When the shadow appears as shown the sun is most likely… LIGHT… 100 When the shadow appears as shown the sun is most likely… west east
LIGHT… 200 Can you see yourself in the mirror if there is no light in the room?
What is the main source of light energy on Earth?
Give an example of something sun light energy cannot heat up.
LIGHT… 500 What happens to light as it passes from the air through water?
What type of sand would get the warmest on a sunny day? Mystery 100 What type of sand would get the warmest on a sunny day?
What type of surfaces are the best for reflection? Mystery 200 What type of surfaces are the best for reflection? Shiny and smooth Dark colored and wavy
Mystery 300 How do you see objects?
Mystery 400 Mystery 400 If you are outside looking at a tree. What is the path the light would follow so you can see it?
Draw yourself and your shadow. Mystery 500 Challenge: Draw yourself and your shadow.
An opaque object blocks the path of light Shadows 100 An opaque object blocks the path of light
Put an opaque object in front of the light. Shadows 200 Put an opaque object in front of the light.
Shadows 300
In order for a shadow to be created you need light! Shadows 400 In order for a shadow to be created you need light!
Shadow 500 At noon the shadow would be around the tree (circle) at 4:00 the shadow would be on the opposite side from the sun.
Math Light Energy 100 Black
Light Energy 200 Huron’s Track
Light Energy 300 SUN
Light Energy 400 Dark Blue
Light Energy 500 Our Beds
LIGHT 100 In a straight path
It will look like it is bent or broken. LIGHT 200 It will look like it is bent or broken.
It absorbs less of the light
LIGHT 400 Black
The black object will get hotter! LIGHT 500 The black object will get hotter!
LIGHT… 100 West of the boy
No, there needs to be a light source.
LIGHT… 300 The sun!
anything inside the home or away from sunlight
LIGHT… 500 It bends!
Mystery 100 Black sand
Mystery 200 A. Shiny and smooth
Mystery 300 Objects reflect light to your eyes. Only the colors of the object reflect back to your eyes. The other colors are absorbed in the object.
Mystery 400 If you are outside looking at a tree. What is the path the light would follow so you can see it?
Draw yourself and your shadow. Mystery 500 Challenge: Draw yourself and your shadow.