Theory of Political Leadership UNU/ILA 11/14/2018
Leadership: a Generic Concept Importance: In society and group activities we seek to avoid chaos and to feel a sense of belonging and purpose Leadership emerges in the process of learning to relate to one another These individuals are more involved, have certain values, have vision, and initiate change 11/14/2018
Evolving Definition Our definition of leadership changes as we perceive and construct reality in new ways Ancient societies: leaders = heroes, prophets, philosophers Middle Ages: popes and kings Machiavelli: clever and amoral “princes” Early modern: rational-bureaucratic and authoritarian models of leaders 11/14/2018
Contemporary View New leadership resulting from complex economic and social changes, globalization, and democratization Leaders are judged on their effectiveness, style, service, cultural-sensitivity, adaptive-capacity, ethics, wisdom, participation, personal judgement 11/14/2018
Current Scholars Burns Wren Heifetz Rost Bass Ciulla Kellerman Greenleaf O’Toole Gardner Hollander Fiedler Nanus 11/14/2018
Types of Leadership Religious Political Corporate Societal Knowledge-based 11/14/2018
Political Leadership “Distribution of values and resources of a political society” Conceptual development: Authority Power Influence Participation and Democracy Ethics and Wisdom 11/14/2018
Evolution of Political Leadership Authority: Exclusive; closed system; eliminate autonomous and independent sources of leadership Rational-legal framework described by Max Weber Power Behavioral and mobilizational construct Ambition theory: high motivation for domination Channel for social mobility and economic transformation Lasswell’s Political man, Politics, and Personality Influence Interpersonal relations and communications Leadership-followership relationship Exchange, motivation, rewards, ideological inspiration, moral authority, charisma 11/14/2018
Evolution, cont. Participation: Democratic leadership Interactive process Involves individuals, groups, parties within societies Ethics and Wisdom: Future Political Leadership Emphasis on leaders, constituencies, local, state, national, and international 11/14/2018
Knowledge-based Leadership “leaders to create new contexts, which breakdown organizational boundaries and encourage a variety of cognitive styles” Democratic and communitarian Strategic planning, information management Change mindsets and methods Create large, wide, deep, fast networks 11/14/2018
Summary Leaders are needed to create and manage change in the 21st century More eclectic approach necessary incorporating political, corporate and social leadership Need for new styles in the face of rapid social and economic changes resulting from globalization and new technologies 11/14/2018