Florida State Park Friends Groups (Citizen Support Organizations or CSOs) o 1985 Florida Legislature authorized the establishment of citizen support organizations for individual state parks in Florida. o There are currently 77 chartered CSOs o They represent 6,000 members
Partnership in Parks Program In 1996 the Florida Legislature sponsored legislation to establish the Partnership in Parks program. Designed to encourage CSOs to raise private funds for resource management and facilities development for state parks. Designed to encourage CSOs to raise private funds for resource management and facilities development for state parks. It is a match program where 60% CSO funds are matched with 40% state funds (min. $100k projects) It is a match program where 60% CSO funds are matched with 40% state funds (min. $100k projects)
Partnership in Parks Program During FY00/01 the CSOs raised over 2.5 million in funds to support projects in parks. During FY00/01 the CSOs raised over 2.5 million in funds to support projects in parks. To date they have committed to raise an additional 5 million for projects totaling 8.5 million. To date they have committed to raise an additional 5 million for projects totaling 8.5 million.
MacArthur Beach $300, in improvements to the park Resurfaced a quarter-mile boardwalk Installed picnic pavilions Sidewalks for ADA access to existing pavilions Playground equipment
MacArthur Beach
Olustee Battlefield $ 100, for the planning and design of a museum for the history of the Civil War. The museum is expected to cost approx $3.5 million and securing these funds will be the groups next challenge.
Olustee Battlefield
Homosassa Springs Wildlife Walk A historic amusement park that was doomed to extinction until the community asked that the State purchase it and make it into a premiere State Park Part of the park was turned into a rehab location for injured animals Wildlife exhibits were in need of repair The Friends of Homosassa have funded an aggressive program of animal habitats and walkway improvements totaling $ 350,
Homosassa Springs Wildlife Walk
Boca Grande Barrier Island Park Society funded the development of exhibits at the Boca Grande Lighthouse. Full restoration of the facility. They now operate the museum and gift shop and give educational programs on behalf of the state parks.
Boca Grande
Frame Work to Financial and Community Support Success VIP mail lists VIP mail lists Local Legislative Rep. Local Legislative Rep. City Council members City Council members County Commissioners County Commissioners Tourist Development Council members Tourist Development Council members CEOs, business owners, Chamber of Commerce's CEOs, business owners, Chamber of Commerce's Etc….Etc…Etc….. Etc….Etc…Etc…..
Personal invites to: Park events Community events at the park Park project grand opening ceremonies Friends or park news letters Thank you for your support letters Frame Work to Financial and Community Support Success
Has helped us receive financial funding from neighboring cities for events. We have received support in tourist tax grants for: Marketing Resource management Facilities upgrades and construction We have gained great community support from City Council, County Commission and many community groups when we faced impacts from outside influences or threats of closures were realized. Frame Work to Financial and Community Support Success
Legislative Tours Regional tours of Representatives and their aids Sponsored by the Friends groups of the parks visited Helps us ensure they have a good understanding of what we offer and the needs to continue what we are doing – creates a face with the name (manager and Friends group president and board) We have had great feed back from the Reps and may have contributed to budget financing. Frame Work to Financial and Community Support Success
Paul Rice