The Millennial Generation Are millennials lazy and spoiled and entitled, or are they the screwed generation?
Who are the millennials? Born between early 1980s and 2000 Era of expanding globalization and cultural diversity Technological advances (internet; wireless)
Who are the millennials? Watch the following video: Which traits of a millennial do you exhibit? How will millennials change the workplace?
Who are the millennials? Which traits of a millennial identified in this video do you exhibit? Raised by doting parents who told them they were special Played in little leagues with no winners or losers or all winners Trophies just for participating “Business as usual” ethic is “for the birds” (ridiculous) Not going to settle (i.e. change jobs often) Family and friends are priorities (lifestyle), not job security Fantasy about finding the dream job Told we can be anything we want
Who are the millennials? How are millennials changing the workplace environment? Consider Karl Mannheim’s Fresh Contacts theory. Apply it to the millennials.
What makes millennials unique? Watch the following video: Summarize the difference between: Baby boomers Generation X Millennials
Why do millennials get a lot of heat?
The millennial stereotype
What’s wrong with millennials? Response to “The Me Me Me Generation”: h?v=tIiPxSBI3ow Millennials in the workplace: h?v=QQC7YM4CFVU Millennial Self-Criticism 10-reasons-why-generation-y- is-soft/ Why are common criticisms and concerns about millennials? What has caused millennials to be like this? Are these criticisms and concerns fair?
Are these criticisms and concerns fair?
How have the millennials responded “We suck and we’re sorry”: Generation Jobless: 10 Reasons why Millennials are Screwed: ls_are_screwed_partner/ We’re not entitled, we’re just screwed kingsmith/generation-y-job- prospects_b_2825840.html
How will the world respond to the millennials? Straus-Howe Generational Theory (pg. 45-46) Repeating cycle in generational values 4 archetypes/patterns/“turnings”/eras Prophet Nomad Hero Artist
Strauss-Howe Generational Theory Each “turning” emerges within an 80 year period Change begins with crisis (remember Durkheim’s anomie!) Society tries to deal with change—can radically alter social institutions
Strauss-Howe Generational Theory G.I. Generation (WWI)—tough—archetype=hero b/c determined to overcome hardship “The Silent Generation” (Depression/WWII)—inner directed— archetype=artist b/c is passive Baby Boomers (1950s/60s)—idealistic—archetype=prophet b/c is driven to rebuild society Generation X (1970s/80s)—disillusioned—archetype=nomad b/c feel betrayed by economy Millennials (80s-2000)—deal w/ technology and terrorism— archetype=hero b/c optimistic about changing society
Strauss-Howe Generational Theory What traits will the generation born after 2000 (Generation Z) exhibit? Consider what they have had to deal with Consider Strauss-Howe’s cycle