Using Creative Destruction and Peer Consulting to Facilitate Progress Anton Triner, Assistant Director of Housing Operations Kathryn Lonczewski, Area Coordinator April 4th, 2016 Smart & Sustainable Campuses Conference
Objectives Develop goals and action steps for your campus/department/group Identify barriers to effectively advancing sustainable initiatives on your campus Help peers with new solutions to problems through shared experiences
Liberating Structure - TRIZ Three groups centered on either what you want to work on OR what best exemplifies your role in your institution With Students With Buildings With Administration Each group has a question that will ask you to identify all the causes in creating the worst possible outcome Look at the list and identify causes that may be reflected in your institution Select the most prominent area of improvement for the next section
What are the ways institutions can get to your worst possible outcome? 10 minutes
How are these like behaviors like your institution? In what way? 10 minutes
Select one you would like to consider in the next activity. What is your Greatest Challenge?
Find a member of each group and build a new group of 3.
Liberating Structure - TROIKA Three sided peer consulting Each person will take a turn as the client and two turns as a consultant Starts with Client describing the concern/challenge (1 minute) Consultants will ask clarifying questions (2 minutes) Consultants will discuss concern and generate ideas, solutions and coaching advice. Without interruption by client (5 minutes) Client will share what was most helpful parts of the advice (2 minutes) ROTATE and Repeat x2
What is the problem Client 1 wants to solve? 1 minute
Consultants Ask Clarifying Questions Client 1 2 minutes
Consultants generate ideas, suggestions, & coaching advice. Client 1 5 minutes
Client tell the consultants what was most valuable 2 minutes
What is the problem Client 2 wants to solve? 1 minute
Consultants Ask Clarifying Questions Client 2 2 minutes
Consultants generate ideas, suggestions, & coaching advice. Client 2 5 minutes
Client tell the consultants what was most valuable 2 minutes
What is the problem Client 3 wants to solve? 1 minute
Consultants Ask Clarifying Questions Client 3 2 minutes
Consultants generate ideas, suggestions, & coaching advice. Client 3 5 minutes
Client tell the consultants what was most valuable 2 mintutes
Objectives Develop goals and action steps for your campus/department/group Identify barriers to effectively advancing sustainable initiatives on your campus Help peers with new solutions to problems through shared experiences
Thanks! Tony Triner Kathryn Lonczewski Thanks!