Population Growth and Distribution
Population Growth Around 7 billion people now live on Earth Demography Using about 30% of the planet’s land Demography The study of populations Demographers believe the population will reach 7.8 billion in the year 2025
Population Growth Modern Technology and Medical Care are factors that have changed population growth These factors have helped in increasing birthrates and decreasing death rates in many countries
Population Growth Birthrate Death Rate Natural Increase The number of births per year for every 1,000 people Ex: United States birthrate is 14 Death Rate The number of deaths per year for every 1,000 people Ex: United States death rate is 8 Natural Increase Also known as growth rate Difference between an area’s birthrate and death rate
Natural Increase Map
Population Distribution Population distribution is the pattern of human settlement Only about 30% of the Earth is made up of land Only 10% of that land is livable Population Density The average number of people in a square mile or square kilometer. Two categories go into calculating population density Land Area Population of that area To calculate, the population is divided by the land area Ex: US population- 295,700,000 ------------------ = 79.5 people per sq. mi. US Land area- 3,717,796
Migration Migration is the movement of people from place to place Immigration People coming into a country Emigration People leaving a country These factors as well help determine an area’s population growth
Population Density by Country Land Area (sq mi) Population Population Density (people per sq mi) Ethiopia 426,371 73,100,000 171.4 India 1,269,340 1,080,300,000 851.1 Germany 137,830 82,400,000 597.8 United States 3,717,796 295,700,000 79.5
Population Density by Country Land Area (sq mi) Population Population Density (people per sq mi) Ethiopia 426,371 73,100,000 171.4 India 1,269,340 1,080,300,000 851.1 Germany 137,830 82,400,000 597.8 United States 3,717,796 295,700,000 79.5
Population Density by Country Land Area (sq mi) Population Population Density (people per sq mi) Ethiopia 426,371 73,100,000 171.4 India 1,269,340 1,080,300,000 851.1 Germany 137,830 82,400,000 597.8 United States 3,717,796 295,700,000 79.5
Population Density by Country Land Area (sq mi) Population Population Density (people per sq mi) Ethiopia 426,371 73,100,000 171.4 India 1,269,340 1,080,300,000 851.1 Germany 137,830 82,400,000 597.8 United States 3,717,796 295,700,000 79.5
Population Density by Country Land Area (sq mi) Population Population Density (people per sq mi) Ethiopia 426,371 73,100,000 171.4 India 1,269,340 1,080,300,000 851.1 Germany 137,830 82,400,000 597.8 United States 3,717,796 295,700,000 79.5