Crime and the Law Types of Crime
Today we will… Define what crime is according to Scots law Identify various types of crime Understand the nature of crime in Scotland
Success Criteria Construct a mind map showing various types of crime Provide definitions of crime Developed an understanding of the nature of crime in Scotland.
What do we know already? Create a mind map noting everything that comes to mind when thinking about crime and law.
Types of Crime Tackling Crime Causes of Crime Justice System Impact of Crime
Which crimes are the worst? 6
RANK THESE CRIMES IN ORDER OF SERIOUSNESS – MOST SERIOUS FIRST Stabbing someone Rape Murder Stealing from a person’s house Stealing from a shop Abduction Buying Alcohol at the age of 17 Urinating in the street Smoking Cannabis
With the extra information are there any you would change? Abduction of your child that has been kept from you by its grandma Murder of your rapist Rape Stabbing someone in self defence Stealing from a person’s house Smoking Cannabis to relieve the pain of cancer Buying Alcohol at the age of 17 to give to a 9 year old Stealing from a shop to feed your family Urinating in the street
Can you think of any laws that have changed in recent times? What is crime? “Crime is an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.” Oxford Dictionary A crime is an offence against the law of the land. Over the years, the law has changed as Parliament alters the law. What was a crime a hundred years ago may not be a crime today. Can you think of any laws that have changed in recent times?
What is crime? … a person convicted of attempted suicide in the 19th century would be sent to prison. Today they would be given medical help. … before 2012, it was not an offence (minor crime) to sing sectarian songs at football matches, it is now. … before October 2015 it was not illegal to smoke with an under 18 in the car. Now it is.
Scots Law…. Divides types of crime into 5 distinct categories: Crimes of violence Sexual Offences Crimes of dishonesty Fire Raising and Vandalism Drug offences and other crimes Take a Types of Crime picture handout. Cut these out, and be ready to stick and label the picture as the correct explanation comes up on the slide. DON’T STICK THEM IN YET!
What types of crime do these photos show What types of crime do these photos show? What specific type of crime is it? Do you think some could fall into two categories?
For each type of crime… Explanation Examples Consequences - Crimes of Violence
Crimes of Violence Explanation - These crimes involve the serious harm and injury or death of a person Examples - Assault, robbery, attempted murder, murder… Consequences - Serious trauma is caused to the victim/victim’s family and others. Crimes of Violence
Crimes of Dishonesty Those who carry out these crimes act in a dishonest manner in order to gain something from the victim. Housebreaking, theft, shoplifting, fraud… Victims usually lose property and money and feel as thou their dignity has been violated. Crimes of Dishonesty
Fire Raising and Vandalism These types attacks cause destruction and damage and put people at risk. Graffiti, Arson attacks… Environments and Buildings are heavily damaged or destroyed and often, the lives of people are endangered. Fire Raising and Vandalism
Sexual Offences These crimes involve the physical and emotional harm of a person (no matter what age) in a sexual manner. Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse Effects are physical, emotional and psychological and cause immense pain and suffering for the victim and their family. Sexual Offences
Drug Offences and Other Crimes Dependant on the exact crime, these offences have various causes and effects. Buying or selling drugs, carrying an offensive weapon… Health issues, illegally obtained money, death and the demands placed on public services are all consequences of these crimes. Drug Offences and other crimes
Crimes can also… Be split into other types or categories based on factors such as: the age of the criminal the specific nature of the crime the background of the criminal.
Blue Collar jobs White Collar Jobs What does blue collar and white collar mean? Why are these terms used? Are they old-fashioned or do they still serve a purpose? Blue Collar jobs White Collar Jobs
Fraud, bribery, money-laundering A “white-collar” worker refers to someone who works in an office or sales – they do not carry out physical labour tasks. So a white-collar crime is a crime which is committed by a person of respectability during the course of their job. Fraud, bribery, money-laundering A “blue-collar” worker is a member of the working class who performs physical labour i.e construction or cleansing services. Blue-collar crime tends to be more obvious – housebreaking, selling stolen goods etc. Blue-collar crimes are more easily spotted than white-collar crimes as they tend to involve physical force.
Complete the following… Blue-collar crime tends to be _______ in nature. It is carried out by the ________ classes. For example, ___________ is a blue-collar crime. White-collar crime is committed by those who work in ________ or _______. It is not easily noticed as it involves doing something which is similar to their actual job. An example of a white collar crime is ____________.
Crimes can also… Be split into types based on who is more likely to commit them: EG/ Professionals Young people Men Women
Anti-social behaviour Anti-social behaviour includes any kind of activity which makes ordinary citizens feel uncomfortable or unsafe in their communities. This could be anything from graffiti, to noisy neighbours to physical intimidation.
Racial Hate Crime Race crimes are described as being “Racially aggravated” or “racially motivated”. Racial hatred crimes do not always include actual violence or harm. It is a crime of fear.
Describe, in detail, three different types of crime. (6marks) SQA Exam Prep Describe, in detail, three different types of crime. (6marks)