Econ pt. 2
Access to Healthcare How does healthcare have an effect on the quality of life in a country? Access to healthcare is disproportionately worse in poor countries. Not all countries have access to universal healthcare. For profit pharmaceutical companies have no motivation to try and bring medicine to the poorer countries. start at 41:48
UN Sustainable goals 2015-2030 The purpose is to try and make the world a better place Some are attainable and some are not Span a wide variety of issues
Why do businesses locate in certain places? Location Theory - Situational Factors/external factors Transportation costs Distance from resources and markets Mode – Rail, truck, ship, or air??? Input – Anything used to make Products Machinery, People
Changing Location of Industry Domestic shift: NE SE, S, and W Global shift: Old Industrial hearths 2: East Asia (China’s the largest in the world at 31%) Latin America Western Europe Central/Eastern Europe Why is the distribution changing??? 1. Countries/states/cities attracting industries with incentives 2. Industry focus on proximity to cheap labor 3. Industry focus on skilled labor 4.
Infrastructure Why is infrastructure so important to where businesses locate? Airports Seaports Highways What will happen with infrastructure in the future?
Urbanization and development % people living in urban settings: 1800: 3% 1850: 6% 1900: 14% 1950: 25% 2000: 47% 2017: over 50%
Why are more people moving to cities After the industrial revolution there was a major shift from primary sector jobs to secondary sector jobs Industry located primarily in cities Services located primarily in cities Not only have cities grown but so have the surround areas know as the MSA: Metro Statistical Area
How has this growth of cities happened?
Growth of the suburbs Increase in service jobs + higher standard of living/affordable cars + Interstate Highway System = commuting = development of suburbs Suburbanization - 50 percent of Americans live in suburbs Diversified economic base for each city “Edge cities” - The city exists on the fringes of a larger city and acts as a regional hub for recreation, business, or other commercial activity for the suburban population of the larger city. (no need for travel into the city)
What is the problem with urbanization and suburbanization occurring to rapidly? Urban Sprawl Congestion & pollution Degradation of wildlife habitat Lack of resources Lack of housing Lack of jobs Squatters settlements
Problems In Urban Areas – Racism
Redlining Banks draw red lines on maps around areas they refuse to lend $$$ to Fear: minorities will move into a "nice" neighborhood property values will go down Ghettoization resulted
Blockbusting Offering an African-American a house in a white neighborhood at low price White owners told their neighborhood was about to "tip" – become minority-dominated For what reason was blockbusting practiced? Result “White-flight” to the suburbs Ghettoization
Racial Steering Steering prospective homebuyers to neighborhoods b/c of similar ethnicity Sometimes good-intentioned Done covertly justified by showing people houses in a particular school district Has this caused a reversal of white flight in the recent past?