Hartnell College Student Success Committee 2017-2018: A Year of Transition
Basic Skills Initiative (BSI), Student Equity (SE), Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) Integrated Planning
To Do Strengthen SSC ties with SSSP and Equity Possible report out each meeting Possible presentation to these groups Possible web page similar to Cabrillo’s
Full-day RA-HOM Workshop at Hartnell HOM Division Meetings for Language Arts HOM & Growth Mindset Workshop at Gavilan Partnerships with Kyle Hull and Scott Sandler from 3CSN/Gavilan College
Fall 2017 “Grit” library display Spring 2018 Book Club Online and in-person options # of participants # of students # of staff # of administration # of faculty
Hartnell College Student Success Committee Leap Into college success LEARNING & TRANSFER OF LEARNING: Take what you learn and applying it to other assignments, other classes, and life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8QfkT8L9lo ENGAGEMENT: finding the fun--participating actively academically and socially and finding ways to make new subject matter and situations interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmN4xOGkxGo ASK FOR HELP AND SPEAKING UP: knowing that you don’t have to do it all on your own and that you are part of a community who wants you to succeed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dap3GM6-luU PERSISTENCE: showing up and not giving up--completing all daily responsibilities and problem-solving when you encounter an obstacle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=minQ6fqVuY8&t=120s
To Do Strength ties with HIT group and Flex Committee With partnerships, we can get more accomplished!
CORE COMPETENCIES DISCUSSION Personal Growth: -Proposed SSC Revision: Students will demonstrate growth mindset, goal setting, and good habits of mind. Communication Skills: Students will demonstrate the ability to apply reading strategies to college level texts and data, and students will effectively communicate to varied audiences via professional spoken language and academic writing.
Guided Pathways Work plan and timeline links SSC goals to college Strategic Planning Align with AB705 Clarify course pathways Dual enrollment Collaboration with CTE Promote HIT, numeracy, and academic reading and writing skills across the curriculum Starfish Early Alert re-launch Panther Academic Student Support growth
To Do Look for ways to embed our goals into other GP key element teams’ work: Cross-functional inquiry 3. Integrated planning 6. Guided major and career exploration 7. Improved basic skills (SSC) 8. Clear Program requirments 10. Integrated technology infrustructure 11. Strategic professional development (already doing a lot)
Data Collecting RA Focus Group Adjunct Focus Group SSC/HIT Survey Summer FIG/SIG
To Do More Use of Existing Data: Natalia & Layheng SENSE Maybe best practices and literature instead of Ted Talks next year
Have a Great Summer & See You in the Fall!