Digital Music Audio Processing Grows out of DSP and speech recognition research Feature detection mostly from Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)
Music Digital Audio
Audio: Two Domain Problem Frequency domain Time domain
Our Hero Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier Mathematician and physicist Born: 21 March 1768 Died: 16 May 1830 Most famous for his spiffy “Fourier Transform” and related “Fourier’s Law” Also noted for early “greenhouse effect” work! By User:Bunzil at en.wikipedia [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons
From Wave to Data
What do we mean by “audio feature”? Ideal: TRUE MEANING extracted from the audio signal
What do we mean by “audio feature”? Ideal: TRUE MEANING extracted from the audio signal
What do we mean by “audio feature”? Reality: something we can squint at & interpret a bit
“Low-level” and “high-level” features Low-level: “mechanically recovered” from the audio e.g. amplitude, timbral descriptors, spectral features High-level: usually obtained from low-level features + lots of context (template matching, machine-learning, domain knowledge) e.g. key, pitch, tempo, notes, phrases, similarity
Vamp plugins Small files you can install that add new feature extractors. Once installed, can be used with several different “hosts”: Sonic Visualiser Audacity audio editor (simple feature extractors only) Sonic Annotator – batch audio feature extraction program Python Vamp host – use with scientific coding packages for analysis, search, plotting etc
Vamp plugins and audio features
What does a Vamp feature consist of?
Example: Chromagram Somewhat representative of time- varying harmonic content Made by “wrapping around” time- frequency spectrogram into a single octave Various ways to do this → lots of different chromagram plugins Good example of an almost intuitively meaningful feature
Chromagram Motivation Limitations Applications Reduce spectrogram in a way informed by musical structure Limitations Time/frequency resolution tradeoff Misleading outcome of harmonic folding (different approaches to this) Intrinsic difficulties, e.g. with temperament Applications Chord and key estimation “Harmonic feature” for search, retrieval & similarity tasks