Orientation Agenda About Us Attendance Policy Refund, Withdrawal, Transfer Policy Student Feedback Student ID (University of Derby Online) Academic Regulations Honors Classification Graduation
Welcome to Aventis School of Management Our Vision We aim to be the leading provider of quality education in Singapore Our Mission We recognize the significance of human capital development and are committed to uphold the quality of teaching, learning and service to all our students
Welcome to Aventis School of Management Our Organization Values Professionalism Integrity Customer Care Communication Commitment
Response Time / Working Hours Our Commitment to You Your Student Care Executive Ms Jessica Lee Your Course Coordinator Ms Regina Fong Quality Control Ms Rina Lim Programme Leader Mr Sun Wai Hoong Email: studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg Telephone: 6822 8596 Response Time / Working Hours Within 3 working days 9am – 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Class Schedule Each module – once a week 12 evening lessons from 7.00pm to 10.00pm A copy of the latest updated class schedule can be downloaded from our website: http://asm.edu.sg/resources/ There are also other useful student resources, such as the orientation slides
Class Attendance Arrive promptly for classes Contribute to class discussion 75% overall attendance required Students are required to sign-in and sign-out on the attendance register Unable to attend class? Submit ‘Leave Application Form’ to the student service at studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg
Absences for Class Following are the approved leave of absence by the School: MC must be submitted within 3 working days of your return. A copy of the leave application form can be downloaded at Aventis website: http://asm.edu.sg/resources/ *Approval of absence does not guarantee approval of assignment late submission request. These 2 are separate requests
School Fees Payable in 3 instalment payment Please refer to your Student-PEI contract on your school fees Modes of payment to Aventis: - Cash to our full-time staff - Internet/mobile/ATM bank transfer (provide screenshot) - Cheque made payable to “Aventis School of Management Pte Ltd” - Telegraphic Transfer - NETS (3% admin fee applies) Please send a screenshot of the successful transfer for our record for the generating of official receipt. You can email to studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg
School Fees Payment of fees should be made in Singapore dollars to following: Account Name Aventis School of Management Pte Ltd Account No. 100-901272-2 (DBS Current Account) Bank Code 7171 Branch Code 100 SWIFT Code DBSSSGSG Bank Address 12 Marina Boulevard, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Level 3, 018982
Refund, Withdraw, Transfer Policy % of [the aggregate amount of the fees paid under Schedule B of the Student Contract] If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received [100%] Refer to PEI-Student Contract Clause 2.1 [85%] (“Maximum Refund”) More than [60] days before the Course Commencement Date [70%] Before, but not more than [60] days before the course commencement date [30%] Before, but not more than [14] days before the course commencement date [10%] Before, but not more than [7] days before the course commencement date [0%] On or after the Course Commencement Date Withdrawal Student must inform Aventis by completing Aventis “Withdrawal and Refund Request Form” and the respective University’s Withdrawal Form together with all supporting documents for processing the withdrawal request Student will be informed of the outcome, within four (4) weeks from the receipt of the withdrawal application http://asm.edu.sg/student-policy-for-edp/
Student Feedback and Grievances In the event that you have any feedback/concerns/issues, please contact Student Services via email at studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg We will investigate and resolve the areas of concern within 21 working days, depending on the complexity of the case. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the resolution process, we may refer the matter concerned to the CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme. For more details, please visit https://www.cpe.gov.sg/student-services/dispute-resolution
Online Evaluation Form End of module / course Login is not required hence response will remain strictly anonymous
Pre-Course Counselling Survey https://goo.gl/HheZWD
Student ID – University of Derby Online (UDo) Student access to UDo Derby will generate your student ID and access. In the email to you, please follow each step guiding you to activate your student portal. What can I do with UDo? The UDo allows you to: Access your course materials for each modules that you are enrolled in. View your grades (provisional and confirmed) for each module via the student portal. Access Derby Library online for research articles, reading materials, journals or articles that will be helpful in completing your assignments.
University of Derby Online (UDo) https://udo.derby.ac.uk
Self-Service Password Reset For guidance on how to change your password yourself take a look at the following links ‘How to register’ and ‘Managing your password’. You will be able to change your password yourself using SSPR (self-service password reset) either in Office 365 or by going directly to https://passwordreset.derby.ac.uk.
Library https://capitadiscovery.co.uk/derby-ac/
Course Materials The module handbook and course materials will be uploaded to UDO at the start of class You are advised to read through the materials before each class
BA (Hons) in Business Management Course Modules BA (Hons) in Business Management Principles & Practices of Leadership & Mgmt (20 credits) Delivering Winning Projects (20 credits)* Developing & Managing Performance (20 credits) Improving Business Performance (20 credits)* Issues in Global Business & Strategic Concepts (40 credits) *Students are required to purchase and install own software on their laptop
BA (Hons) in Accounting & Finance Course Modules BA (Hons) in Accounting & Finance Investing & Financial Markets (20 credits) Financial Strategy (20 credits) Management Accounting – Performance Evaluation (20 credits)* Financial Statement Analysis (20 credits) Issues in Global Business & Corporate Accountability (40 credits) *Students are required to purchase and install own software on their laptop
BSc (Hons) in Psychological Studies Course Modules BSc (Hons) in Psychological Studies Psychology in Education (20 credits) Addictive Behaviours (20 credits) Clinical Applications of Psychology (20 credits) Family Health Across the Lifespan (20 credits) Independent in Psychology/Psychology Literature Review Project*(40 credits) *Students are required to take either one of the module. **Students are required to purchase and install own software on their laptop
Assessment Criteria Individual Assignment Presentation Exams (In-Class Test/ Online Computer Test)
Submission of Work for Assessment Students are expected to submit all work for assessment as per deadline stated in Module Handbook Try to submit 2 – 3 days in advance to avoid unforeseen circumstances Work which is submitted after the designated deadline for a coursework assessment is deemed late. This work will not be marked and non-submission (NS) will be recorded. Non-submission will be marked as zero.
Late Submission Where a student has a good reason for late submission which does not amount to an exceptional circumstance, the Programme Leader can authorise an extension of up to a maximum of 7 days with no grade penalty. The Programme Leader will expect to see compelling evidence that such an extension is appropriate. If the work is tendered after the agreed extension, it is not marked and an NS grade is recorded.
Late Submission The following circumstances that the Late Submission Request will NOT be accepted: Lack of time management Failure to organise your time appropriately Circumstances for which you have had ample opportunity to plan Technical failures of computers/equipment Negligence or carelessness
Late Submission What is the good reason for extension and what is the supporting documents? Hospitalized Reason: students might be given extension or advised to apply for EEC, depends on the severity of the case. Letter from hospital is required Advanced Business Trip: students are required to attach letter from the company and flight ticket. Reservist: students are required to attach a copy of letter from government. Medical Reason: students may or may not be given the extension. For MC that covers the unfit for duty for one day, it is not a valid reason to grant the extension as student is expected to complete their assignment prior to submission deadline.
Late Submission Request for late submission process: Submission of request at least 2 working days before the deadline To email Programme Leader (sunw@aventisglobal.edu.sg), Module Lecturer and Academic Management (regina@aventisglobal.edu.sg) For all request, student’s need to wait for approval of the Programme Leader for extension. All the valid ground might be approved, but also might be rejected due to some reason, for example requested late (last minute), not enough supporting documents or all other reason based on the Programme Leader’s decision. Hence student are required to submit any partial work before the assignment deadline. Decision made by the Programme Leader is final.
Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEC) If serious circumstances beyond a student’s control affect their ability to complete an assessment they may submit a claim for Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEC). This must be accompanied by evidence and the work done to date, by the original assessment submission deadline. This will be considered by an EEC panel. Details of the policy and procedure are in Part I of these regulations. Refer to Academic Regulation (I) Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEC)
Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEC) Exceptional extenuating circumstances may apply in one of the following circumstances: Where severe circumstances prevent a student from taking or completing a module properly Where a student is unable to attend a formal examination due to exceptional extenuating circumstances Where exceptional extenuating circumstances can be shown to have affected a student’s performance in assessment. Here are some circumstances that the EEC option covers: Bereavement Hospitalization Mental illness
Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEC) Claims for exceptional extenuating circumstances will NOT normally be approved if they arise from matters which are evidently for them to control: A student’s failure to organise her/his time appropriately A student’s own negligence or carelessness Circumstances for which a student has had ample opportunity to plan Circumstances which a student did not disclose at the appropriate time (unless they were unable to do so due to circumstance e.g. their mental capacity was impaired). Any failure of computer related equipment. In such circumstances, student may be allowed to repeat the module
Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEC) When a claim for exceptional extenuating circumstances is submitted against coursework, where possible the student should hand in any work (part-completed coursework, notes, etc.) that has been completed to date. If no work is submitted then the mark recorded will be a non-submission and the appropriate penalty will be applied. In the event that the claim is unsuccessful, the submitted work will be marked as a completed submission. Exceptions to this will only apply where it would have been impossible to hand in any work by the deadline. Full details on the EEC process and the forms you will need to request an extension are available electronically at: http://www.derby.ac.uk/eec Refer to link for more details: https://aventisglobal.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/235656548-What-is-Exceptional-Extenuating-Circumstances-EEC- Upon successful submission, please take a screenshot and email to studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg so that we can follow up on the status of your request with the University.
SAO (Suspected Academic Offence) SAO can be in the form of plagiarism (high similarity index), collusion (two or more students work together for the assignment that should be done individually), cheating, ghost writer, etc. What happen if my similarity index is high? Based on the discussion with the Module Leader, students could be: Considered not guilty and nothing will happens Failed from the module and required to take resit Required to take re-module Expelled from the programme All other decision based on the discussion with the Module Leader
Similarity Index How to check my similarity index and how to make it lower? Your similarity index will appear in the Blackboard. You can submit the assignment few times to keep updating and revising your assignment. From second submission onwards, the originality report will take at least 24 hours to generate. You are recommended to stop adjusting or re-submitting your assignment at least 2 hours before the submission deadline.
Similarity Index Minimum rate: Make sure that your similarity index below 20% Light Blue Colour: Similarity index 0% = Excellent Light Green Colour: 15 % to 25% = Good Light Yellow Colour: 26% to 49% = Very dangerous, considered SAO Light Orange Colour: (approx.50% to 75%) = Very dangerous, considered SAO Red Colour: (approx.76% to 100%) = Very dangerous, considered SAO
SAO (Suspected Academic Offence) – Process If your similarity index is high, the administrator will inform you if the module leader would like to invite you for an interview with your Module Lecturer and Programme Leader. Then, the Programme Leader will consider on the outcome. The outcome can be found in the previous slides. If they need further investigation, the administrator will contact you on this.
Marking Timeline Marking will be done approximately one month from assignment deadline Marks reflected at that time will be provisional (access via UDo/ Turnitin) University Academic Board Meeting – Nov, Mar and Jul Grades will be finalised during the Academic Board Meeting (access via UDo/ Student Centre) Refer to this link for the guide on accessing the final results: http://asm.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Accessing-Results-on-Udo-How-To-Guide.pdf
Grading System To pass a module the average of the marks for the assessment components must be at least 40% and at least a mark of 35% must be achieved in each assessment component. Where this is not achieved, credits are not awarded and the referral regulations apply.
Honours Classification Bachelor’s Degree with Honours are classified on the following scale from the average mark which has been reached using the relevant calculation, as below: An overall result of 70% - 100% First Class honours An overall result of 60% - 69% Second Upper Class honours An overall result of 50% - 59% Second Lower Class honours An overall result of 40% - 49% Third Class honours
Failing Modules A module is failed if: The work submitted for an assessment component is not of a high enough standard to warrant an overall mark of at least 40% for the module. Work has not been submitted for a module assessment. If a student fails to submit an assignment a mark of NS (non-submission) will be recorded. The student has committed academic offences and a penalty of failing the module has been imposed (see Section J of Academic Regulations).
Academic Regulations All Academic Policy can be found at the link below: https://www.derby.ac.uk/about/organisation/academic-regulations/
Failing Modules - Referral Students are normally entitled to one referral opportunity in each of the failed assessment components capped at 40 marks (passing grade) Aventis will email students with the referral submission deadline should they are offered a referral opportunity. Students are NOT allowed to request for late submission request for assignment referral. Referral fee for each assignment can be found in the PEI-Contract schedule C under Miscellaneous Fees.
Failing Modules – Retake/Re-module If you failed your resit (referral), student is given the opportunity to take re-module (retake). Aventis will email students should they are required to re-module. Re-module fee can be found in the PEI-Contract schedule C under Miscellaneous Fees. For all re-modules, grade will be capped at 40 marks
When I will received the hardcopy of my transcript and certificate? The transcript and certificate is expected to arrive around 2 months or more after the Academic Board (tentatively July 2019), depends on the University’s schedule. For your group, if you have successfully completed all your modules, you will be able to get your certificates in Sep/Oct 2019. Student services will email you on the certificate collection.
Timeline Assignment Deadline Provisional Grades at Turnitin Repeated Cycle for the whole terms Assignment Deadline Provisional Grades at Turnitin Confirmed Grades at Student Centre Collection of Certificate at Aventis Graduation in Singapore Approx. 1 Month Nov Mar Jul Oct Dec What if I failed? Confirmed Grades at Student Centre Referral Assignment Deadline Provisional Grades at Turnitin Approx. 1 Month Nov Mar Jul 3 weeks
Graduation Held Annually in both United Kingdom and Singapore
Graduation Students can only attend ONE graduation ceremony. Graduation ceremony in Singapore: Graduation is usually held at the end of the year. Student Services will send via email all the details for the graduation at least one month before the graduation. Graduation ceremony in UK: If you would like to attend the graduation ceremony in Derby, please e-mail your request to graduation@derby.ac.uk personally upon completion of your studies. Link to find more information: https://www.derby.ac.uk/graduation/derby/
Dropbox Link BA (Hons) in Business Management https://goo.gl/TdDDrm BA (Hons) in Accounting & Finance https://goo.gl/hqJB8N BSc (Hons) in Psychological Studies https://goo.gl/Ymybkh
Any Questions ?
If you have any other queries, please drop us an email at studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg we will respond to your queries within 3 working days. However if require clarification from the University, we will revert upon clarification from University partner. Your Student Care Executive Ms Jessica Lee Email: studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg Telephone: 6822 8596
Thank You