Presented by: Ramzi Thabit, July 27th, 2017 Clubs & Societies 101 Presented by: Ramzi Thabit, July 27th, 2017
Briefly introduce yourself! New or Pre-existing Club Introductions Briefly introduce yourself! Club/Society Name New or Pre-existing Club Executive Position Goal for the year
UTMSU Email All clubs and societies are entitled to a UTMSU Gmail account Older clubs and societies should have them. If you dont know your password send me an email with the title (C/S Name Email Password Reset) All communication MUST be completed through your official UTMSU Email.
Sample Email
Bank Accounts You MUST use a UTMSU Community bank account. Signing authority must be transferred every year. If you have not done so send me an email with the title (C/S Name 2017-2018 Bank Transfer Letter) Re-recognized clubs: send the 2 previous signing officer's name, the 2 new signing officers and the Bank that you use. New Clubs send the names of the 2 signing officers and the bank TD or BMO You MUST have 2 signing officers
Annual Financial Statement
Annual Financial Statement - Event Tabs e1a
Receipts e1a
Bank Statements e1a
Collaborative Funding ! The form is under the Clubs Documents section of the UTMSU Website Clubs, Societies and the UTMSU! Collaborated 35+ Times last year, lets beat it!
Form found under Clubs Documents of the UTMSU Website Emergency Funding Form found under Clubs Documents of the UTMSU Website
Elections Must be open to all interested students registered to the club. Advertising must be approved by the Clubs Coordinator or VP Campus Life. Non-Biased Chief Returning Officer (CRO) must be selected and approved by the Clubs Coordinator. Training Session will be held close to the New Year!
Elections Timeline Advertising for elections must take place over a period of one week Nominations must take place for a period of one week Campaigning must take place for a period of one week Must be done through online media No print media, flyers, posters, etc. Elections will take place at a location decided by the CRO Ballot boxes and voting cards will be provided
CRO CRO is responsible for supervising the electoral process Must communicate to general members of club and society if necessary Is responsible for setting up a location for elections to take place Responsible for communication between the candidates and relevant UTMSU individual.
Clubs/societies election Rules Any complaints regarding elections, that arise during the course of the elections, must be brought to the attention of the following in written format within 72 hours of the election: Clubs: CRO, VP Campus Life, and Clubs Coordinator Societies: CRO, Academic Societies Coordinator In the case of societies, any complaints must be brought to the attention of the CRO, the Academic Societies Coordinator and the VPUA
Rules continued Clubs Committee/ Academic Societies Advisory Committee withholds the right to nullify any club election results if evidence of gross misconduct has been found in the operation of the election and if necessary, invalidate elections that were conducted undemocratically Non-occurrence of elections will result in the immediate effect of cancellation of club status Non-submission of elections results will result in a later loss of club status through Clubs Committee, or ASAC If undemocratic election procedures are suspected, the election results or club status will be brought forward to the Clubs Committee for further discussion.
Green Grants/ Green Shift Clubs & Societies must submit the form to the Sustainability Coordinator ( Eligible to receive FREE biodegradable Napkins and Cutlery for your Events
Communication Email Clubs and Societies Coordinator - Felipe Maya Phone (416)-738-3281 Visit the office! Add us on Facebook, Text, or Call us!
Room and table booking Room booking and table booking (for the student centre) is done online. Access for online system is given through Linda’s office (Room 115) 6 Hour Maximum! Please be courteous New Booking system!
Equipment Booking! Cash Box Hotbox for food Speakers Microphones Projector Projector Screens AV Cords
Equipment Booking rules Maximum 6 hour bookings Only during working hours MUST SUBMIT A CASH DEPOSIT Will be returned when the equipment is returned in working condition Will be on the same website as the room booking system Must be picked up from the Members services desk (Infobooth) Penalties for late returns or no shows
Room and Table Booking - Rules Clubs can only use rooms and tables that they have booked (through the online system) Clubs must keep noise at a minimum during tabling. If your club is serving food (warm food) ensure that you keep your food warm at all times (health and safety concerns). Keep rooms and tables clean! Promote, enjoy, and have fun!
Promotion There is space for advertising on UTMSU wall’s around campus. Ensure your poster is in compliance with the guidelines in the Clubs Handbook (Page 16) Ensure all posters are stamped by UTMSU (at the InfoBooth) Promote online if possible to reduce waste. Utilize the advertising services such as the TV in the Student Centre, UTMSU Facebook Page. Invite me to all of your events!
Clubs Photographers/ Videographers You have FREE access to UTMSU Photographer and Videographer! Email VP Internal ( two weeks prior to your event, informing them of the specifics of your event and your request.
Graphic Design Request Submit the Graphic Design Request form to Do it well in advance! Graphic Design Request
Club Awards
New Clubs Handbook! Current Handbook is outdated (Last edited in 2013-2014) The Handbook is an essential document, all executives must read the Handbook Suggestions? Email US!
Orientation Week Logistic Meetings Every Monday from 1-2 July 31 - August 28