Improve Test efficiency for "Loading/Unloading of Petrol/Diesel using Batch Controller inside Distribution Terminal" for Rail, Marine, Pipeline and Road Nagabhushan D Rahut & Associate Engineering Manager Reddy K, Venkateswara & Senior Engineering Manager Honeywell
Abstract Honeywell Terminal Manager addresses TAS (Terminal Automation System) business. This product interacts with to both L1 systems and also with L3 / L4 systems as per the Industrial systems deployment architecture. At the higher level it interfaces with ERP systems and at the lower level it interacts with Field Instruments like Batch Controller, BioMetric, RFID and Card Readers etc. Challenges is to how to improve the Test cycle time from many weeks to a sprint cycle time and also ensure quality is not compromised. Also attempt to reduce cycle time should address end to end approach of Testing and not just limiting to few components and make it in siloes. We leveraged some of the industry standard tools to automate each part of the whole system like Selenium, Auto-IT, C# and Lab View to automate end to end flows.
Presentation Body Terminal Manager is the Product from Honeywell which addresses TAS (Terminal Automation System) business. Terminal is the place where finished product is stored in huge Tank Forms and from here it is distributed to Retail Outlets for end customer consumption. This product is built on Honeywell Flagship DCS system - Experion PKS. Honeywell Terminal Manager interfaces with an Enterprise System like ERP to get orders and also with Terminal field devices like Card Reader, Biometric, RFID and BCU etc. BCU (Batch Control Unit) is the heart of the Terminal where real loading / unloading takes place. This product (BCU) automates all the workflow process that happens inside a Marketing Terminals. Typical terminal will have an Entry Gate, Loading Area called Bay, Exit Gate and then some of the optional areas like Weighing Area, Queuing Area and Reception Area etc. Lot happens before we really fill Petrol or Diesel in our vehicles from Retail Outlets. Major challenges seen by us during our qualification of BCU are. • Supporting the various Firmware versions of Batch Controllers • Multiple Deployment scenarios (TM Light for 1 or 2 bays, TM Redundant System and TM Non Redundant System etc) • Supporting multiple Honeywell DCS releases • Testing for various Modes of Transportation (Road, Rail, Marine and Pipeline etc) • Testing for various workflow configuration options like Entry Gate, Exit Gate, Bay Loading Areas etc • Testing ever increasing Regression tests Cases over the releases. We built a Generic Automation Framework for Remote Loading / Unloading.
Presentation Body This framework is designed to handle most of the challenges listed above, leverages Lab View and eliminate man machine interactions and simulate all button clicks on BCU. On the other hand this Framework also connect to Terminal Manager Database, based on the parameters provided it automates all possible Test cases and then executes all these tests once they are scheduled and generates final Test run report. While executing the Tests, this framework internally calls interfaces of the system under test to validate the functionality. Success of this framework is, it is BCU agnostic means, and it can work with Honeywell Legacy BCU and also with new generation BCU. With this we are able to reduce the qualification efforts from multiple weeks to 2 weeks and improve the Test coverage tremendously.
References & Appendix Refer to other Honeywell Marketing artifacts related to Terminal Manager Product which is available in public domain.
Author Biography Nagabhushan Rahut working with Honeywell for last 16 years and working in providing technology for Oil&Gas distribution market. His work involves validating products for Terminal business from Terminal Automation System to Tank Form Management. He is certified in Six Sigma Black belt, SCRUM Master, Project Management. He has his master in Software Systems from BITS and MBA in Information Systems. Venkateswara Reddy is a Test Strategy leader for HPS business in Honeywell; has both development and Test experience. He holds Master degree in computer applications from NIT-Karnataka. He is certified Green Belt, ITILV2.
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