the correlation of wet deposition inland and in coastal areas Pike County, Georgia Sapelo Island, Georgia Julian McAdams Spring 2009 Data Analysis EAS 4803
introduction Correlations between wet deposition species in Georgia, inland and on the coast. Specific associations between Na and Cl, and NH4 and SO4…regressions. F-test: the standard deviations of two normally distributed populations are equal. T-distribution: Arises in the problem of estimating the mean of a normally distributed population when the sample size is small.
correlation of each species between sites Correlation coefficients are in the legends. Example: coorCalcium=corrcoef(Ca1,Ca3)
regression lines at both sites for na and cl Strong correlation between Na and Cl at both sites. Na and Cl concentrations at Sapelo are larger than Pike. Regression lines overlap.
regression lines at both sites for nh4 and so4 Bad correlation between NH4 and SO4. NH4 concentrations at Sapelo are smaller than Pike. Regression lines overlap reduced major is different.
F- test at both sites F-test F-Real F-Table Calcium 1 2.1683 Magnesium F-Real F-Table Calcium 1 2.1683 Magnesium Potassium 25.1101 Sodium Ammonium 12.1749 Nitrate Chloride Sulfate 1.1342
T- distributions at both sites T-Distribution Pike County T value T Low T High Norm 1 Norm 2 Calcium 2.093 0.0579 0.088 0.0101 0.1358 Magnesium 0.016 0.0278 -0.0027 0.0465 Potassium 0.0199 0.1207 -0.1408 0.2814 Sodium 0.0941 0.1686 -0.0246 0.2873 Ammonium 0.138 0.4303 -0.3281 0.8964 Nitrate 0.6253 1.0224 -0.0076 1.6553 Chloride 0.1804 0.2981 -0.0073 0.4858 Sulfate 1.0682 1.5732 0.2633 2.3781 T-Distribution Sapelo Island T value T Low T High Norm 1 Norm 2 Calcium 2.093 0.0771 0.1259 -0.0008 0.2038 Magnesium 0.0637 0.1047 -0.0018 0.1702 Potassium 0.0323 0.0524 0.0002 0.0845 Sodium 0.536 0.8731 -0.0014 1.4105 Ammonium 0.0864 0.1642 -0.0373 0.288 Nitrate 0.6603 1.0683 0.01 1.7186 Chloride 0.9884 1.589 0.0311 2.5463 Sulfate 0.8482 1.3223 0.0924 2.0781
conclusion Correlations are strongest with Na and Cl. Correlations between Ca, NO3, and NH4 are “better” than the other species. Associated trends of species on each island are observed to be similar. Sources of wet deposition at the coast are strongly influenced by the sea spray and salt marsh interactions.