Multi-VIM/Cloud High Level Architecture Run-time Environment Deploy Service (TOSCA/HEAT/YANG) Design-time Environment (SDC) 1 Service Orchestration Common Service 4 VNF (Tosca) 3 5 Network (YANG) 2 Homing Close loop remediation 6 Infrastructure (HEAT) Controllers 4 DCAE SNIRO SDN-C APP-C VF-C A&AI Registration FCAPS Infra Resource SDN Overlay VNF Resource LCM Provider Registry Multi Cloud Mediation Layer Infra-c w/OpenStack Infra-C w/ARM Local SDN Adapter Modeling and Capability OpenStack VMware Wind River Azure ......
ONAP Architecture R1 Run-time Design-time Cloud & WAN E-Services BSS/OSS Big Data Lengend Portal OPEN-O UI (GUI/CLI) Run-time From openECOMP Dashboard OA&M (VID) External Data Movement & APIs Design-time A&AI Service Orchestration From OPEN-O SDC UI Server VNF Design Service Design Convergence from both sides Workflow Design Common Service DMaaP ESR Auth. Microservice Bus Policy Creation New Policy DCAE Alarm Correlation App (Holmes) Controllers Analytic Application Creation Multi-Cloud SDN-C APP-C VF-C NFVO Recipie/ Engineering Rules & Policy Distribution 3rd NFV-O NFV Collector (Monitor) Catalog G-VNFM VNF SDK Multi-VIM EMS/S-VNFM Cloud & WAN OpenStack VMware RackSpace Azure ......
ONAP Projects R1 Run-time VNF Requirements Design-time OF E-Services BSS/OSS Big Data Usecase UI Portal OPEN-O UI (GUI/CLI) Run-time CLI Modeling (specs & Utilities) Integration VNF Requirements Security High Availability Documentation University Dashboard OA&M (VID) External Data Movement & APIs VID Design-time A&AI Service Orchestration Portal Framework SDC UI Server ESR VNF Design Service Design Common Service Workflow Design OOM DMaaP AAF Logging MSB CCSDK Policy Creation Policy Framework Alarm Correlation App (Holmes) Multi-Cloud Controllers Analytic Application Creation SDN-C APP-C VF-C ICE & Lab NFVO Recipie/ Engineering Rules & Policy Distribution DCAE G-VNFM Catalog Multi-VIM VNF SDK CLAMP Cloud & WAN OpenStack VMware RackSpace Azure From openECOMP From OPEN-O Convergence from both sides New 3rd Legend
Release 1 Target Architecture DCAE SO SDN-C APP-C VF-C A&AI Multi Cloud Common Mediation Layer Extension API FCAPS Lifecyle Management Registration Create Alarm Onboard Instantiate Scale Terminate List Register VES Agent Event and Telemetry Collector OpenStack New Multi-Cloud Feature Modeling and Capability 3rd party add-on Nova Neutron Cinder Hypervisor SDN Controller Storage
Release 1 API Design All API starts with MultiCloud Name Space, followed by functional module name space /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/….../...... / Support existing OpenStack APIs as default functional modules. Minimal code changes to existing ONAP modules that already use OpenStack. /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/v2.1/servers/… /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/v2.0/network/... New name space for common cloud functionality. /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/proton/network/ /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/register/… /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/fcaps/… /namespace_root/multicloud/v0//resmgt/... Also support 3rd party extension beyond common functionalities /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/extension/…
Multi-Cloud /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{space_for_fcaps} DCAE SO VF-C App-C SDN-C HEAT A&AI Cloudify GenericVNFM cdp-pal /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{vanila_openstack} /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/space_for_VFC /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{vanila_openstack} /proton/network Multi-Cloud /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{space_for_registry
Multi-VIM/Cloud Functionality Collections /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/extension/…
vSphere Integrated OpenStack Registry Registry cloud backend 1 Service APP-C DCAE VF-C SO AAI Common service ESR Registry multi-cloud services 2 1 3 4 4 VIM broker Request handler Register proxy Fcaps trigger Data service 2 5 3 MS plugin Proxy Fcaps relay Windriver Plugin Proxy Fcaps relay VMware plugin Proxy Regi-stry Regi-stry Regi-stry Fcaps relay 6 OpenStack Ocata OpenStack Mitaka vSphere Integrated OpenStack Azure Titanrium
Steps Registry Service Access User inputs backend Cloud information into ESR portal ESR stores the backend Cloud information as auth model into AAI, key is cloudowner_cloudregion User triggers VIM register service exposed by Multi VIM which will trigger registry implements in different VIM plugins to fill in VIM Model information into AAI Each plugin handles AAI query about the backend Cloud information for backend Cloud operations Service Access Controller which rely on openstack APIs creates service client and get keystone token by Multi VIM/Cloud service url. Multi VIM/Cloud service returns tokens and the catalog of endpoint list which are SBI defined by different plugins Controller will use the composition of returned endpoints and service API for the following OpenStack API access Multi VIM/Cloud translates the composted service API into the required OpenStack API then return the reponse to the caller
API Design Multi VIM/Cloud registry{cloud owner}_{region}/registry Body information is documented and reviewed by AAI team Multi VIM/Cloud OpenStack compatible service{cloud owner}_{region}/identity/v3 or v2.0 Multi VIM/Cloud service consumer{cloud owner}_{region}/{tenantid}/images
heat.queryStack (cloudSiteId, tenantId, vfModuleName) SO MultiCloud createVfModule heat.queryStack (cloudSiteId, tenantId, vfModuleName) cloudConfig.getCloudSite (cloudSiteId) getHeatClient (cloudSite, tenantId) cloudIdentity.getKeystoneUrl{cloud owner}_{region}/identity/v3 keystoneTenantClient.tokens return token and service catalog heatUrl = KeystoneUtils.findEndpointURL “Returned heat endpoint (SBI decided by different Cloud providers)” +/stacks queryHeatStack (heatClient, stackName) return heat stack list
API Design Multi VIM/Cloud Service API Namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{cloud owner}_{region}/identity/v3 or v2.0 SBI Returned heat endpoint + /stacks
API for vFW/vDNS Instantiation: /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{cloud owner}_{region}/identity/v2.0 Heat endpoint + /{tenantId}/stacks Heat endpoint + /stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/actions
API for VoLTE create/delete/list network /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{cloud owner}_{region}/{tenantid}/networks create/delete/list image /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{cloud owner}_{region}/{tenantid}/images Support close loop Fault alarm emitting complies with VES format /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{cloud owner}_{region}/{tenantid}/{vm_id}/recover
vCPE Multi VIM/Cloud registry{cloud owner}_{region}/registry Body information is documented and reviewed by AAI team Multi VIM/Cloud OpenStack compatible service{cloud owner}_{region}/identity/v3 or v2.0 Multi VIM/Cloud service consumer{cloud owner}_{region}/{tenantid}/images
API for vCPE … Instantiation: /namespace_root/multicloud/v0/{cloud owner}_{region}/identity/v2.0 Heat endpoint + /{tenantId}/stacks Vxlan overlay vs. Vlan transparent between VGMUX and VG …
API for vCPE /extension/… Get/Stop/Start VM Nova endpoint + /servers/{server_id}/action /extension/…