Community member candidates for the Union Park District Council Board 2018-2019
UNION PARK DISTRICT COUNCIL BOARD Concordia University University of St. Thomas Macalester College Lex-Ham Community Council Desnoyer Park Improvement Assoc. Skyline Tower – Common Bond At-Large Resident (2) At-Large Business At-Large Nonprofit
KYLE DUKART Grid 2 Representative Kyle has lived in Union Park since 2007. He has five kids, six chickens, and a cat and works full-time at the University of Minnesota. He is convinced that Union Park is the best neighborhood in all of Minnesota, and possibly the world.
DAVID RASMUSSEN Grid 4 Representative David has lived in Merriam Park near Snelling and University since 2005 He is involved in Land Use, and has been our reliable Secretary on the Executive Committee He has been to all 50 states and is currently an Area Governor with Toastmasters
JOSH CAPISTRANT Grid 9 Representative Josh and his wife Laura have lived in Merriam Park since 2002. He serves on our Executive and Neighborhood Involvement Committees, and as a delegate to WSNAC. He run Crows Nest Design, designing and building architectural projects including natural benches and a play kitchen for the State Fair. He is also a printmaker, and was the printer at the Renaissance Festival.
LUCAS MILLER Grid 9 Representative Lucas has lived in Merriam Park for the past four years. He hopes to increase housing options and make the community even more walkable by increasing the visibility of the right-of-way for cyclists and pedestrians. He would also like to see more investment in public art in the neighborhood.
TRISHA GROTH Grid 10 Representative Trisha has lived in St. Paul for 20 years. She worked in public education for six years and now works in health and wellness. She is interested in increasing safety for all modes of transportation, as well as affordable housing solutions and community resource management.
At-Large Representative ALICIA VALENTI At-Large Representative Alicia is a recent graduate of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs with a Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning. She is an advocate for housing and renters' rights as well as safe streets for everyone. Alicia is passionate about contributing to the creation of equitable and sustainable communities.
At-Large Representative HENRY PARKER At-Large Representative Henry Parker lives in Merriam Park with his wife. Henry is currently pursuing his Master of Public Policy at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and also serves on the board of the St. Paul DFL. He recently returned to Minnesota from serving in the Army. Prior to his military service, he worked for Congresswoman McCollum.
At-Large Business Representative MARCY MCHENRY At-Large Business Representative Marcy is the Owner & CEO of Midpointe Event Center and Dancers Studio in the Midway area, which she founded in 1986. She’s a board member of National Association of Women Business Owners - MN Chapter. Marcy is a former Minnesota and United States Ballroom Dance Champion and a United States Latin Dance Champion finalist, and is the proud mother of 4 lovely children.
At-Large Nonprofit Representative MIKE ROBERTSON At-Large Nonprofit Representative Mike Robertson is a long time St. Paul resident, restoration carpenter, and cycling enthusiast. He is Program Manager for the A Brush with Kindness program at Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. He––along with his wife and two daughters––is currently living through his fourth St. Paul old-house restoration adventure on Laurel Avenue.
Macalester College Appointee ELEANOR BEAIRD Macalester College Appointee Eleanor is a senior Art History major and French and Francophone Studies minor at Macalester College. She likes spending time as a Study Buddy at Skyline Tower, working at the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis, and exploring the Twin Cities through the transit system. When she's not in the Twin Cities, she's visiting Phoenix, Arizona where she grew up.
Concordia College Appointee ADRIAN PERRYMAN Concordia College Appointee Adrian serves as the Assistant Director of Academic Advising at Concordia. He is also on the City of Saint Paul's Planning Commission, served on the board of the Hallie Q Brown Community Center, and was a member of the Snelling Midway Community Advisory Committee addressing redevelopment issues. He was born and raised in Saint Paul, and owns a home with his wife and two cats.