EUROPE IN THE WORLD Salzburg – 13 March 2006


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Presentation transcript:

EUROPE IN THE WORLD Salzburg – 13 March 2006 Lead Partner RIATE : Bernard Corminboeuf, Clarisse Didelon, Nicolas Lambert, Isabelle Salmon, Céline Dupuy-Levy Core Team IGEAT : Laurent Aujean, Gilles Van Hammes, Pablo Medina, Christian Vandermotten ITPS: Mats Johansson, Daniel Rauhut LADYSS : Pierre Beckouche, Yann Richard UMR Géographie-cités : Nadine Cattan, Claude Grasland, Christian Grataloup, Guillaume Lesecq, Christine Zanin Experts CRS HAS: Györgyi Barta, László Dancs, Imre Nagy, Alexandra Szigeti, Péter Strömpl CASA: Elena Besussi, Sinesio Alves Junior TIGRIS - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University: Octavian Groza, Ionel Muntele, Alexandru Rusu, Oana Stoleriu, Georgiana Voicu ETH Zurich: Marco Keiner GRUPO SOGES: Alberto Vanolo

Presentation of the Second Interim Report Introduction Presentation of the Second Interim Report Key findings on neighbourhood & policy options Key findings on internal differencation of European territory & policy options Toward the final report Annexes PO : selected PO due to time… More in the SIR.


Key findings on Neighbourhood Multinational firms dividing the World French German British In Manchester we presented you the main findings of the Survey on the ESPON community. The same kind of work has been done on global actors which divide the World in order to administrate it, locate their activities and organize their relations with other countries. The analysis of the available division of the World shows : 1) a strong trend to the continentalisation that is used as a consensual way to divide the world 2) the use of cultural factors, mostly religious ones 3) the differentiation of zones according to the development level For example one can notice that, for European firms, Europe can extend far to the East but that the Mediterranean Sea always acts like a frontier.

Limits of zones by International Organisations It is obviously the same for all the actors that have been analyzed. For Public International Organizations, the Mediterranean sea is one of the strongest frontier in the World.

TRADE FLOWS BETWEEN EU AND NEIGHBOURS UE 15 Those representations of the extension and limits of Europe are confirmed, to a certain extent, by the analysis of various indicators such as trade flows. This graph shows a dramatic increase of trade flows between EU15 and Eastern neighborhood since the beginning of the 1990s and in the same time a weak progress of Mediterranean countries. But the main feature is the impressive growth of EU's trade with the two other major poles of the triad. This second graph focuses on the 2000-04 period and confirms the lack of dynamism of the trade with the Mediterranean countries, with the exception of Turkey. The trade with the eastern neighborhood increased dramatically during the period. That could be explained by the anticipation of the EU membership in the case of all Central Eastern European countries. The same conclusions can be drawn from the study of FDI flows and stocks. UE 25






GDP PPS 1950 AND 2000

The relation of ESPON and neighbourhood can be describe in term of flows but also in term of structural pattern. The discontinuities between North and South are stronger than those between West and East and show different strucutures. In a West Eats direction, the difference of level between countries appears as a stair gradient with gradual discontinuities. This “stair gradient” is a potential vectors for a diffusion of prosperity and development from West to East. The discontinuities between North and Southalong the mediterranean sea are not brutal for all criteria. For life expectancy at birth in 1995-2000, we observe a relatively gradual transition It is a very new situation as compared to the 1950’s. As far as the level of education is concerned, there is double line of discontinuities. Northern African countries are actually in a situation of “buffer zone” or “shatterbelt”, which is in a sense comparable to the situation of new member states at the end of the cold war. But the great difference between semi-peripheral regions of Southern Mediterranea and the countries of eastern and central Europe relies on the globally negative perception – or lack of perception – of the potentialities of this area by the majority of European policymakers.

To improve the territorial bases and territorial efficiency of ENP: Policy Options To improve the territorial bases and territorial efficiency of ENP: A more flexible territorial base in relation with various issues and various partners: bilateral, surregional and regional method. Enhancement of local projets. To improve crossborder and transnational cooperation financement. Capacity building of local authorities in member and, above all, in non member states for the conception and the implementation of really joint projects. In order to improve the relation of EU with the Neighbourhood, we can make several propositions. As far as the issue of local devlopment is concerned. A more flexible territorial base in relation with various issues and various partners: bilateral, surregional and regional method. Enhancement of local projets. To improve crossborder and transnational cooperation financement. Capacity building of local authorities in member and, above all, in non member states for the conception and the implementation of really joint projects.


Extract from the case study « Romania »

Various importants issues Key political issue : A better coordination between DG RELEX and DG REGIO (e.g. strategy of cooperation with Russia) Example : International migrations and private financial flows : how to make them support the development of departure and arrival countries/regions. Realistic utopia ? : A new Marshall Plan for European Neighbourhood … We can make other propostions concerning various important issues.

NEIGHBOURHOOD : WHY BOTHER ? 4000 deaths of migrants toward Europe (minimum estimation according to official sources)


National influence of ESPON states in the World (trade flows)

Collective influence of ESPON states in the World (trade flows)

Europe in the World (Air flows) The major flows link European cities to Northern American and South Eastern Asian cities. The position of London as the most important gateway between Europe and the rest of the world is manifest. Two other important gateways can be at that stage identified, namely Paris and Frankfurt. One should also note that Madrid plays a significant role here also, as the only European hub that can exhibit significant links with latin american cities such as Havana and Buenos Aires. Air flows and the location of gateway cities in Europe can lead to spatial differenciations in the European territory. But moreover, there are strong strucutal differenciations thant make it more or less vunerable to the globalisation.

The World in Europe (Airflows)

Share of high technology products in the manufactured exports 1999-2000 At the continent scale, Europe appears as a major actor in the World trade of manufactured goods, notably for advanced technological products. However, the European countries do not reach the same level. There is a clear East-West gap since the new Member States have not a good position. However some of them have a high share of high-technology exports, namely Malta and Hungary. Inside the EU 15 the countries that have the worst position are the Southern European countries namely Portugal, Spain, Greece and Italy. In the context of increasing competition in the production and trade of manufactured goods, especially with Eastern Asia, the European countries that have the most advanced industry could be the most competitive ones.

Policy Options An old debate : ESDP versus Lisbon strategy… A new challenge : evaluation of threats and opportunities for european regions according to World and neighbourhood scales Various types of regions according to the globalisation process => various possibilities regarding spatial planning The outside as an impact on the inside : an short example (Baltic states) How to make the ESDP and Lisbon strategy work along together? They are not necessarily contradictory but mostly indifferent to each other: ESDP is oriented toward internal issues; Lisbon strategy is oriented toward global issues. To a certain extent, one can assume that the central metropolitan regions are more concerned by the latter. Whereas the peripheral regions, whose economy is less internationalised, are more concerned by the former. As the rate of economic opening of certain regions of Europe is relatively low, they still have a breathing space to choose their spatial planning options. In this context, several possibilities exist. Various types of regional situations: various possibilities in spatial planning. Many regions of Europe are not very much opened to the rest of the world, economically speaking (especially some rural regions): in that case, the goals of territorial and social cohesions, by the means of polycentricism, should be as important as the requirements of competitiveness. - In the most vulnerable regions (textile regions), regarding the outside competition, polycentricism may be appropriate for those without any big world metropolis. - In the mostly opened regions it is necessary to keep and to develop high quality communication infrastructure in ordre to keep them as major gateways.

Toward the Final Report VOLUME 01 : The World Side Story Part A : Dividing the World ? Part B : The place of ESPON 29 in the World Part C : ESPON 29 in its neighborhood(s) Part D : Internal differentiation of ESPON 29 VOLUME 02 : Thematic results & tools VOLUME 03 : Case studies Volume one: WORLD SIDE STORY The aim of the volume one is to propose a handy synthesis of the main findings of our work in a cross thematic approach together with the policy options and organized on a “story” basis. Volume two: THEMATIC RESULTS & TOOLS This volume will be dedicated to the synthesis of methodological aspects and to the collections of thematic maps and analysis that will not find their way to the main volume (simple intermediates maps in the analysis). Volume three: CASE STUDIES The third volume will gather the case studies organized in “thematic groups” and presented by introduction and conclusion.

Thank you for your attention

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Other outputs : WUTS

Other outputs : WUTS

Other outputs : WUTS

Further developments : area of influence

Further developments : area of influence

Further developments : area of influence