The Red River Resistance Louis Riel and the Metis
Riel Hero? Traitor? You will be able to form your own opinion by the end of the unit
Canadian Expansion Plans The BNA Act of 1867 created the Dominion of Canada with 4 provinces: Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick At the time in British North America there were also the colonies: PEI Newfoundland British Columbia As well as 2 vast territories: Rupert’s land The Northwest Territory Very soon after the British Parliament approved the BNA Act, the new Dominion of Canada set out to expand, turning much of this attention west, to Rupert’s Land
Why Rupert’s Land? The population of the Dominion of Canada had grown rapidly and in many places there was a shortage of agricultural land This desire to grow also had a sense of urgency The US was actively expanding at the time There was a lot of fear about the US annexing Rupert’s Land if Canada didn’t act Negotiations therefore began with the HBC to acquire the territory
The Red River Valley The acquisition of Rupert’s Land would affect many Metis, First Nations and Inuit Peoples However, one of the areas most immediately affected would be Red River (present day Winnipeg) Most of the population was Metis, but included many other groups as well Country born Selkirk Settlers Many First Nations Canadiens (St Boniface)
Changes at Red River The population had grown rapidly after 1821 The merger of the HBC and NWC resulted in half of the fur trade employees losing there jobs, and many (mostly Metis) settled in Red River with their families In the 1850s and 1860s many of these people adapted to the changing economic climate and the decline of the bison herds by taking up farming and selling their produce to the HBC Trade grew as well Some of the trade was with buffalo hunters from St Paul, Minnesota and many worried that these trade relationships would increase American control over the region
Outspoken Newcomers By 1860 English speaking settlers from Ontario had moved to Red River They were led by Dr. John Shultz and formed the “Canadian Party” which called for the immediate sale of Rupert’s Land to Canada Many Shultz supporters were also members of the Protestant organization known as the Orange Order These Orangemen were strongly anti-French and anti-Catholic
Consider the Following: 1. What is the relationship between the Orangemen and the Metis going to look like?
The Transfer of Rupert’s Land to Canada A deal between Britain and the Dominion of Canada to transfer Rupert’s Land to Canada was struck in April of 1869 (transfer takes place on Dec 1, 1869) At no point are First Nations, Metis, or Inuit consulted The HBC received 300 000 to return the land to the British govn’t Prime Minister MacDonald expected the HBC to resolve outstanding issues with residents before the transfer, They did not… Many Metis families had lived in Red River for generations but had not officially had their farms registered They were concerned upon hearing of the land transfer
The Survey Once the agreement was reached (6 months before the actual transfer), the Dominion’s Minister of Public Works, William MacDougall, sent a survey team to prepare the land for an anticipated influx of white, protestant immigrants from Ontario The survey crews trespassed on farms and did not inform residents about their purpose Tensions mounted, but MacDougall ordered surveyors to continue
It Begins… On October 11, 1869, a Metis farmer, Andre Nault tried to prevent surveyors from working on his land The surveyors ignored him, and a group of neighbors, including Nault’s cousin, Louis Riel, stopped the surveyors They claimed that the Dominion of Canada had no right to survey Red River without permission from its residents
Consider the Following: Why might the HBC not have ensured that all residents in Red River had their land titles properly registered? Who should control the land in Red River? WHY?
The Comite National Des Metis On Oct 19, 1869 (after the confrontation with surveyors) the Comite National Des Metis was formed to strategize how to deal with the Canadian government They wrote a letter to William McDougall (lieutenant governor of the North-Western Territory) stating that they had the right to be informed about any policies affecting their land and to be part of the negotiations between the HBC and the Dominion of Canada The letter also stated that the Canadian delegates had no right to enter Red River without permission form The Comite
The Comite Cont’d Despite the letter McDougall and a party of armed officials tried to enter Red River from the south via the US border They were met by a group of Metis and escorted back to the border The next day the Comite and 120 supporters took over Upper Fort Garry Prime Minister MacDonald sent orders to delay the transfer of Rupert’s Land to the Dominion, but despite this, McDougall rode to the border and read a proclamation claiming Rupert’s Land for Canada, then back to the US This left a power vacuum; the land is claimed by the Dominion, but there is no government so neither the HBC or Canada now have control
The Provisional Government is Formed The Metis began work on a list of demands to negotiate the terms of entry of their territory into Confederation In the meantime, residents in Red River like John Shultz became impatient with the slow transfer of power to Canada and planned an attack on the Comite They are arrested on Dec 7, 1869 The next day, the Comite declared the formation of a provisional government with Riel as its president In January of 1870, a delegation of Canadian officials arrived at Red River to negotiate with the provisional government On Feb 7th the Red River community formally elected a new provisional government with Riel as its president It was called the Convention of 40 (20 French, 20 English Speaking)
Backlash in the Colony Support for the Convention of 40, and their list of rights was not unanimous in Red River John Shultz and his group tried to overthrow the provisional government They were arrested and imprisoned in Fort Garry by the Provisional Government
The Execution of Thomas Scott One member of the Shultz group who was arrested for attempting to take over Fort Garry from the Provisional government was a laborer named Thomas Scott Scott was an Orangeman from Ontario who had made his anti-French, anti-Catholic views very clear to his captors He bragged very loudly, very repeatedly that he was going to kill Riel The provisional government tried and convicted Scott and 2 others and sentenced them to death Riel pardoned 2 of the men Scott was not pardoned, and was executed on March 4th by firing squad
Consider the Following: Who do you think illustrated this depiction of the execution of Thomas Scott? What do you believe was the intended effect of the illustration?
The Effect in Ottawa On March 24th a delegation from Red River arrived in Ottawa to negotiate However, the news of the Scott execution preceded them and the delegation was arrested upon arriving in Ottawa They were then quickly and quietly released so negotiations could begin Public opinion was divided on Scott’s execution In Ontario, there was outrage and hated towards the Provisional Government In Quebec, some people viewed Riel as a hero and defender of Catholicism and the French culture This highlighted pre-existing and growing divide between Canada’s largest provinces
Consider the Following: Was Riel and the provisional government justified in executing Thomas Scott? What was the larger political effect of this decision in the new Dominion of Canada? Can you think of any other events in Canadian history which highlight the French/English divide in this country?
The Manitoba Act Despite the controversy, negotiations proceeded and the Canadian government passed the Manitoba Bill on May 12, 1870 with a vote of 120 to 11 It was approved by the British government and was to take effect on July 15, 1870 The provisional government in Red River also voted to accept the Act
Terms of the Act The Act included many of the terms from the Metis List of Rights: Manitoba entered Canada as a self-governing province which elected its own local government Government support for denominational schools (schools run by churches) was guaranteed Bilingualism in the Manitoba legislature and courts Residents of Red River owned the land they had already occupied Land for the children of Metis and Country-born
The “Postage Stamp” Province The new province was so small that it was dubbed the “Postage Stamp Province” Also, it did not have the same rights to its natural resources that other provinces did Nevertheless the provisional government felt that it had secured the land that the residents of Red River would need to protect their culture
Consider the Following: On paper, the Provisional Government got a pretty good deal. Do you foresee everyone getting along and living happily ever after? Why or why not?
The Red River Expeditionary Force As soon as negotiations for the Manitoba Act were complete, the Dominion sent a military force to Red River in order to “keep order” (MacDonald) The force composed of British troops and Canadian Militia from Ontario (many were Orangemen) The Force was led by Colonel Wolseley and travelled from Toronto for 4 months, arriving in Upper Fort Garry in August
The Reign of Terror Upon arrival, the Force took control of the colony in a period dubbed the “reign of terror” Many militia were Orangemen and were determined to punish members of the Provisional Government for the execution of Scott Riel and other members of the Provisional Government knew they were coming and fled to the US The Force threatened, harassed, and beat any Metis that they encountered The Force also committed rape, theft and arson throughout the settlement (with no recourse or justice for the Metis residents)
The New Reality in Red River Elzear Goulet had been a member of the court which sentenced Thomas Scott On Sept 13, 1870 a group of men, including some militia, chased Goulet from a saloon He jumped into the river to escape as the mob stoned him He drowned As with other crimes at the time, no one was punished Events like this caused many Metis to avoid Fort Garry out of fear for their safety Military commanders were unable or unwilling to control their troops and the Canadian government turned a blind eye to their actions Violence towards the Metis continued until 1872
Riel after The Red River Resistance In the years after Manitoba entering into Confederation Riel feared for his life and spent almost all of his time in hiding, usually in the US Visits to Manitoba were cautious and brief Riel won a seat in the general election of 1874 However, he never did take his seat for fear of arrest In February of 1875, Riel and Lepine were granted amnesty, The deal stated that they were banished from “her Majesty’s Dominions” for 5 years Riel had periods of depression, spending time in 2 Quebec asylums He then moved to Montana where he regained his balance and contributed to First Nations and Metis campaigns against their treatment by the US government He married in 1881 and had 2 children He became a school teacher at St Peter’s mission in Montana in 1883 and was granted US citizenship
Riel Lepine
Racism in the Northwest Following 1870, thousands of frontier settlers moved into the Northwest from Canada The Metis became outnumbered by euro-Canadians, mostly English speaking Protestants It became increasingly difficult to be French, Catholic, or Metis in Red River The climate of violence and racism continued as new settlers arrived Some middle class Country-born families did adopt mainstream euro-Canadian culture, however those that could not ‘pass” as Euro-Canadians were labeled “half breeds” In the years following many Metis and Country-born rejected that label and eventually became the Metis Nation we know today
Consider the Following: Whose interests were served by turning government troops lose in the colony? What does amnesty for Riel and Lepine mean in practical terms (could they go back to Red River)? What would life be like for the Metis following the ‘reign of terror’ in Red River? What effect did thousands of euro-Canadians have on the new province?