بَسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الفاتِحة Ilm Cards-Al Fatiha. (from notes by Iqra Khan) Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
Who is the author of Qur’an? Qur’an is “Speech of Allah”, it is the Arabic Qalam of Allah Revealed it to Prophet Muhammad salullahu alaih wassallam) through the angel Gabriel. The verses and there meanings were revealed to the Prophet . “Indeed this Quran is a revelation of the Lord of the Worlds.” Surah Shuara (192-196) What is the Qur’an? Book that guides us to the right path. Book that has the words of Allah. Quran shows us how to live our life in a more peaceful manner, righteous manner, guides to virtue, addresses human needs and provides solution, answers to problems . Ilm Cards-Al Fatiha. (from notes by Iqra Khan) Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
Why was the Qur’an revealed gradually? Why was the Qur’an revealed gradually? Doing things gradually is the way of Allah, created the heaven and the earths in six days. The Quran came down gradually as it was relevant to the situation to the people and easier for the followers to implement it in their lives. Why did Allah reveal Qur’an? “This is a Book we have revealed to you, so that you may take people out of the darkness into the light.” The darkness is the life without Quran, life without guidance. In darkness, one becomes vulnerable and can hurt oneself. Surah Ibrahim Ayah 1 Ilm Cards-Al Fatiha. (from notes by Iqra Khan) Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
When was the Quran reveled? What does the word Surah mean? In the month of Ramadan on the day of Layla-tul-Qadr. It is a very special book. Allah chose a special angel to send down the book, chose the best human being, the best night and the best language to reveal it. What does the word Surah mean? Literal meaning of Surah is an enclosure. Wall is a tall structure, hence it is held at a higher position and every surah has its own unique position and teaches important lessons. Ilm Cards-Al Fatiha. (from notes by Iqra Khan) Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
What are the some other names of the Qur’an? Furqan: criterion, distinguish between right and wrong Adhikr: Reminder for the human being What is an Ayah? Ayah is a verse of the Qur’an, signs of Allah swt around us or a miracle of the Quran. Ilm Cards-Al Fatiha. (from notes by Iqra Khan) Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
Ilm Cards-Al Fatiha. (from notes by Iqra Khan) Happy Land for Islamic Teachings