BOARD PRESENTATION: 2016 ASSESSMENT DATA Grades 3-8 and 10 Achievement College and Career Readiness Indicator President Alexander, Board Members, Dr. Gacutan Good Evening. I will be reviewing the assessment data from the 2015-2016 school year. We will look at the ACT Aspire Data and the ACT plus Writing Data The outcome for this presentation is that you will have a more thorough understanding of the BCS student achievement data.
ACT ASPIRE STATE ASSESSMENT 3rd - 8th and 10th Grade - Data The ACT Aspire was taken by students in the 3rd -8th and 10th grades.
ACT Aspire - READING Most ACT Aspire reports break student data down into three categories. READY, CLOSE and IN NEED OF SUPPORT. For these charts the green column represents READY The yellow column represents CLOSE The red column represents those student that were in the IN NEED OF SUPPORT category. The blue column represents change in % ready when comparing the students scores from the 14/15 school year to the students scores from the 15/16 school year. There was no significant change when comparing the District % ready from 14/15 to the District % ready in 15/16. When compared to previous scores the biggest change was seen with the 4th grade scores from the 15/16 school year. The graph shows a visual representation of the same information.
ACT Aspire - MATHEMATICS ACT Aspire Mathematics scored revealed that there was no significant change when comparing the District % ready from 14/15 to the District % ready in 15/16. When compared to previous scores the biggest change was seen with the 6th grade scores from the 15/16 school year.
ACT Aspire - WRITING ACT Aspire Writing scores revealed that there was a decrease when comparing the 14/15 scores with the 15/16 scores in all grade levels except 6th and 7th grade.
ACT Aspire - SCIENCE ACT Aspire Science scores revealed that there was no significant change when comparing the District % ready from 14/15 to the District % ready in 15/16. When compared to previous scores the biggest change was seen with the 5th grade scores from the 15/16 school year.
ACT Aspire - ENGLISH ACT Aspire English scores revealed that there was no significant change when comparing the District % ready from 14/15 to the District % ready in 15/16. When compared to previous scores the biggest change was seen with the 5th grade scores from the 15/16 school year.
ACT PLUS WRITING STATE ASSESSMENT 11th Grade - Data All 11th graders took the ACT Plus Writing in the Spring of the year as part of the State Assessments. The following charts show the longitudinal data from the ACT plus Writing for the State, District and all BCS High Schools.
ACT PLUS Writing % meeting READING benchmarks When looking at Reading, you can see the District increased by 2% when comparing the scores from the 2015 assessment to the 2016 assessment.
ACT PLUS Writing % meeting MATHEMATICS benchmarks When looking at Mathematics, you can see the District increased by 1% when comparing the scores from the 2015 assessment to the 2016 assessment.
ACT PLUS Writing % meeting ENGLISH benchmarks When looking at English, you can see the District increased by 7% when comparing the scores from the 2015 assessment to the 2016 assessment.
ACT PLUS Writing % meeting SCIENCE benchmarks When looking at Science, you can see the District increased by 3% when comparing the scores from the 2015 assessment to the 2016 assessment.
ACT PLUS Writing % meeting ALL benchmarks When looking at the % meeting all Benchmarks, you can see the District increased by 1% when comparing the scores from the 2015 assessment to the 2016 assessment.