Pitch Michael Elliott, Shannon Macleod, Reece Bell, Maddy Curtis and Amber Martin
Introduction The task for us to complete has been to find and stay contact with a band and be able to interview them and also create promotional material for them give them a better social media presence.
Roles & Responsibilities Director/Clapper- Michael Elliott Camera operators- Maddy Curtis and Shannon Macleod Interviewer- Reece Bell Sound operator- Amber Martin
The band we have chosen- SKIES SKIES is an indie band based in Folkestone, Kent. The SKIES band made their first appearance in the music scene in late 2015. The band consists of two artists that make up the band. Alie Cotter, who is the vocals and guitarist and Jericho Tozer does drumming, synths and vocals, too. https://youtu.be/nLnETTqadts BBC Introducing in Kent. (2016). SKIES - Monday - live at BBC Introducing in Kent's 8th birthday party. [Online Video]. 12 March 2016. Available from: https://youtu.be/nLnETTqadts. [Accessed: 22 February 2017]. SKIES, (2015), Skies band [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.skies.band/img/logo.png [Accessed 21 February 2017].
SKIES’ current social media presence SKIES’ current social medias are as follow: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and their own website. Use these accounts to announce new tours and singles and to promote their merchandise. Keep a good fan interaction going by actively engaging in their fan base who talk to them on their accounts. SKIES, (2016), Skies band [ONLINE]. Available at: https://twitter.com/skiesbanduk?lang=en [Accessed 21 February 2017].
The Location The location we have chosen is The Harbour Arm in Folkestone. We have chosen this because it is a known location in Folkestone and one people will recognize. There is no permission issues with recording here as it is a public place and even then very few people frequent this area. The sound quality of this location is good, we know this because we went out to this location to gather a recording. The only issue with this location would be the weather, as if it is raining it will not be suitable for recording. (2015), [ONLINE]. Available at: http://localrags.co.uk/images/images2015/harbour_arm170715n.jpg [Accessed 20 February
The plan The plan is to meet SKIES at this chosen location at 11am on the 5th of March, our group, however will arrive half an hour earlier to set up everything. We will ask a variety of questions so our Radio interview and our Visual interview are different The video will be set out as an interview and this will be used to promote the band (Skies). Knowing this, the interview will have an interview structure, for example, certain camera angles, band visuals and a clear setting. Because the video is structured as an interview it will have pre-made questions ready to ask the band so they can think of replies, all questions will be open to get a detailed answer. I will use questions that will allow me to get an answer then respond with another answer relating to the reply. This will allow me to create a relationship with the band (Skies) and make the interview more relaxed.
Health and Safety Seeing as we are going to create a media product, which involves on site production. We will need to plan out how health and safety is going to work, this will involve going over what issues may arise and how we will overcome them. Tripping hazards: All wires are tidy and neat so nobody trips over. Falling of high ledge: Not to go near the edge and not to place equipment on wires near the ledge. Water dangers: Don’t go in the water as the water will be rough and the current will drag you out. Heavy equipment falling: Make sure everyone is aware of the heavy equipment so they don’t knock it over and hurt someone. Electrical shocks from equipment: Make sure no water or anything conductive gets close to the equipment to limit the risk of electrical shocks and burns.
Contingency Plan Talent unavailable day of shoot: If the band is unavailable on the day of shooting, we have secured another band and made plans with them, just in case. Equipment faulty: We will bring extra equipment with us and there will be two cameras with us on the day of the shoot, so if anything goes wrong with one we’ll use that. Weather conditions: We have planned to interview the band outdoors and already tested the mic at the location. Location unavailable: As stated we are shooting outdoors, so it’s unlikely that the location won’t be available.
PRODUCTION Planned Completed Start date 3/03/17 End date 5/03/17 Duration 3 days TREATMENT Planned Completed Start date 20/02/17 End date Duration 2 hours PROPOSAL Planned Completed Start date 20/02/17 End date Duration 2 hours SCRIPT ( Video and Radio) Planned Completed Start date 20/02/17 End date Duration 3 hours 4 hours POST-PRODUCTION Planned Completed Start date 6/03/17 End date 9/03/17 Duration 3 days final deadline Week 13th March 2017