802.24 Vertical Applications TAG Closing Report November 2015 Meeting Dallas, Texas, USA Tim Godfrey, EPRI
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> 802.24 Overview Officers TAG Chair: Tim Godfrey Secretary & TAG Vice Chair: Ben Rolfe Task Groups 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG Tim Godfrey 802.24.2 IoT TG Chris DiMinico 34 Voting Members Agenda: 24-15-0031r2 Meetings for the Week Monday PM2 Tuesday PM2 Wednesday PM2 Review manual attendance Procedure for 802.3 members <author>, <company>
Agenda - 24-15-0031-02-0000 Tim Godfrey, EPRI 1 Monday PM2 session 2 1.1 Call session to order, present “Guidelines for IEEE SA meetings”, Quorum Godfrey 5 4:00 PM 1.2 Approval of Agenda 4:05 PM 1.3 Introduction/meeting objectives 4:10 PM 1.4 Approve September minutes (24-15-0027-00-0000) 4:15 PM 1.5 Review action items from previous meeting 4:20 PM 1.6 Begin 802.24.1 business 4:25 PM 1.7 ITU SC1 Question 236 Review/Response (24-15-0028r1) 30 1.8 Smart Grid Whitepaper Companion Presentation (review action items and section assignments) 4:55 PM 1.9 Recess 5:25 PM 2 Tuesday PM2 session 2.1 Call to Order - 802.24.2 IoT TAG business DiMinico 2.2 P2413 Liaison Report Winkel 15 2.3 Discussion of IEEE 802 Co-Sponsoring with P2413 Nikolich/Godfrey/DiMinico 2.4 Review and plan IoT white paper development 4:50 PM 2.5 5:20 PM 3 Wednesday PM2 session 3.1 Call to Order - 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG business 3.2 Discussion of establishing Liason with P2030.5 Godfrey/Heile 10 3.3 Development of Sub-1 GHz White Paper 3.4 802.24 TAG Business 4:40 PM 3.5 Complete the Liaison to IIC that is pending from August. DiMinico/Godfrey 20 3.6 Approval of Liaison Requests (802.24 TAG motion(s) to ExCom) 5:00 PM 3.7 Update on IEEE 802 Student Paper Contest - review flyer, announcement process, form paper review & judging team Gilb 5:10 PM 3.8 Review action items from current meeting 5:40 PM 3.9 Adjourn 5:50 PM Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Monday: 802.24.1 TG ITU SC1 Question 236 Review/Response Document edited and uploaded as 24-15-0028-02 Motion to forward document 24-15-0028-02 to 802.18 as the 802.24 response Moved Ben R 2nd Kunal S Approved unanimous Tim Godfrey, EPRI
802.24.1 Smart Grid TG Items Development of sub 1 GHz White Paper Draft updated: 24-15-0029r2 Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Tuesday 802.24.2 IoT Tim Godfrey, EPRI
802 / P2413 Co Sponsor Discussion: P2413 is seeking co-sponsors – should IEEE 802 be a co-sponsor? What are the possible benefits and downsides (if any) First Steps (regarding our existing liaison): Liaison letter to P2413 to make it clear 802.24/IoT should be kept in the loop regarding any IEEE IoT related activities Liaison ensures full and complete sharing of all information between 802 and P2413 Could be 802.24 or all 802 WGs Note: P2413 is an entity based group – only released drafts can be forwarded through a liaison. It is not automatic. P2413 is creating one document. Can base transfer on when P2413 thinks a consolidated draft could be shared with a broader audience. Is more collaboration possible beyond the liaison? Conclusion – remain with Liaison, but no need for co-sponsoring Tim Godfrey, EPRI
802.24.2 activities Presentation of Liaison Activity Report: 24-15-0039-00 Presentation of Internet of Things (IoT) - Briefing from the IEEE to US Congress 24-15-0035-00 Internet of Things (IoT) - Overview White Paper Draft 24-15-0036-00 Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Wednesday 802.24.1 Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Liaison with P2030.5 Further development based on adoption of Smart Energy Profile 2.0 (SEP 2.0) Revision project underway CCBs – things that need to be fixed IEC PC118 adopted OpenADR IEEE and IEC have dual logo program – not appealing to IEC – slow progress w.r.t P2030. CA Rule 21 is driving interest in P2030.5 for control of smart inverters Revision will include necessary changes Future revision could address PC118 802.24 Liaison Role Topics for P2030.5 can be forwarded through 802.24 P2030.5 drafts can be shared in private area for 802 members Bob Heile is volunteered as liason. Motion 802.24 requests the establishment of a liaison with IEEE P2030.5 for the purpose of sharing information and recommendations regarding the revision of the P2030.5 standard and other matters as appropriate. Moved: Ben Second Bob H 8 : 0 : 0 Bob will present to next meeting in December Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Wednesday 802.24 TAG Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Liaison Approvals Formation of Liaison with Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) Motion to approve the liaison response in document 24-15-0038-00-0000-liaison-response-to-iic.docx. Moved Chris Second James Approve 11 : 0 : 0 802.24 TAG Motion – external to ExCom Tim Godfrey, EPRI
IEEE 802 Student Paper Contest Flyer Completed 24-15-0033-00-0000-802-student-paper-competition-flyer.pdf Ready for Announcement this week Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Judging Committee: Call for Volunteers Judges: Any voting member of any IEEE 802 WG Form the Program Committee Chair of PC runs the selection of judging Tim, Ben, James, Put out call for judges on 802.24 reflector Promotion ideas Globecom in San Diego Announcement of approval to distribute (Friday) EC Reflector and 802.24 reflector (Tara will handle within IEEE) Request those who distribute to notify us on who was notified (professors, etc) Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Next Meeting of 802.24 January 18-20, 2016 Hyatt Regency Atlanta, GA, USA An 802-hosted interim with all WGs Task Groups meeting 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG 802.24.2 IoT TG Tim Godfrey, EPRI