Water is really odd... water is the only substance on earth that is commonly found in all three states: gas, liquid, and solid the solid form is less dense than the liquid based on its size, it should be a gas at room temperature water has an unusually high "specific heat" meaning it takes a lot of energy to change its temperature (it's slow heat up or slow down) water has high surface tension (it's hard to break the surface) Water exhibits capillary action Water is the "universal solvent." Water is essential for all known life.
Water Activities and Notes Sheet
Good 4 minute introduction or review of water properties.
Water is really odd... O H Why? (-) (+) Water is really odd... Why? Primarily because it is a polar molecule. This means that part of the molecule has a slight negative charge and part has a slight positive charge.
Water is really odd... ... O O H H Why? (-) (+) Water is really odd... H O (-) (+) ... Why? Primarily because it is a polar molecule. This means that part of the molecule has a slight negative charge and part has a slight positive charge. The positive part of one water molecule is attracted to the negative part of another. This attraction is called a hydrogen bond. Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent or ionic bonds, but they're still very significant.
Water is really odd... How do hydrogen bonds contribute to water's weirdness?
Water is really odd... How do hydrogen bonds contribute to water's weirdness?
Water is really odd... How do hydrogen bonds contribute to water's weirdness? A water molecule needs a lot of extra energy to break free and escape as a gas. (Thus water is a liquid at room temperature, whereas other molecules its size are gases.) And the boiling point is hundreds of degrees higher than it would be without hydrogen bonding.
Water is really odd... How do hydrogen bonds contribute to water's weirdness? Water is attracted to other polar molecules ("like dissolves like"), making a great solvent.
Water is really odd... How do hydrogen bonds contribute to water's weirdness? Water is attracted to other polar molecules ("like dissolves like"), making a great solvent. Water's attraction to other polar molecules also causes it to "crawl" up some surfaces, like capillary tubes and glass graduated cylinders. This is capillary action.
Water is really odd... How do hydrogen bonds contribute to water's weirdness? Within a body of water, each molecule forms hydrogen bonds in all directions with its neighbors, but at the surface, the bonds are all aligned downward, making it more difficult to separate them. This results in surface tension, a skin like quality of water's surface.
Water is really odd... How do hydrogen bonds contribute to water's weirdness? Within a body of water, each molecule forms hydrogen bonds in all directions with its neighbors, but at the surface, the bonds are all aligned downward, making it more difficult to separate them. This results in surface tension, a skin like quality of water's surface. Surface tension is defined as the amount of force needed to break through a surface. Water's is unusually high.
Water is really odd... How do hydrogen bonds contribute to water's weirdness? Most substances are more dense as solids than they are as liquids. But not water. Because of the way hydrogen bonds line up as water freezes, the water expands. So the same amount of mass occupies a greater area, thus it's less dense and will float.
Attachments Water Notes.pptx The Properties of Water.mp4