CH 7-3: E2 Reaction - Stereospecific Elimination To form overlapping p-orbitals in the alkene product, the b-hydrogen and leaving group must be “anti-coplanar” in the transition state...……..”anti-elimination”. When the leaving group OR b-hydrogen is at a chiral center, the stereochemistry of elimination becomes important in determining the geometry of the alkene product.
Stereochemistry in the E2 Reaction: Elimination at Chiral Centers Look at the Neuman Projection for the alkyl halide: Note that if Ha is anti with Br, that the trans alkene forms.
Note that if Hb is anti with Br, that the cis (less stable) alkene forms.
SN1/E1 Substitution & Elimination Reactions in Cycloalkanes…non-Stereospecific
SN2/E2 Substitution & Elimination Reactions in Cycloalkanes…Stereospecific!!!